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  • Day 3

    Today's Class will focus on... Class 3 Recording:

  • To Burn & To Keep 5

    For this step of the course, you will need two pieces of paper and something to write with. Please see the description at the bottom of this page to determine how you will release your 'Burn Statement' before moving on. Step 5 asks you to create a release and affirmation statement, which is your 'Burn Statement.' When the course is over and we have closed Circle, you will burn this statement to symbolically and physically release what you are letting go of. It is the finalization of your work here. During step 5, you will also write down the affirmation portion of the burn statement to keep. Take this affirmation statement into the future with you and utilize it with your affirmation tools in order to keep up your healing momentum. Music by Dan Phillipson Releasing your statement with Fire: At the end of this ceremony, when the healing is over and we have closed Circle, you will use safe burning practices to burn the piece of paper on which your Burn Statement is written. Disclaimer: If going through this healing online and on your own, follow safety rules and guidelines when burning your statement. Burn items in a fireproof receptacle. Be sure that you know and follow your city's, township's, and/or county's fire safety recommendations. Do not touch a hot container or utensils that were used for working with fire without safety gloves. Do not place a fire receptacle on a surface that is not fireproof. Do not burn items in a closed space. If you are uncomfortable using fire, you may release your paper with any of the other elements available to you: Water: Soak your Burn Statement in a glass of hot water. This method works best when your statement is written on regular notebook paper or tissue paper. Leave the paper in the water until it is dissolved. This method takes a while to complete, even days, depending on the type of paper you use. When using this method, stirring the water will speed up the process. Earth: Tear your statement into small pieces and bury it in the dirt. Air: Clip your statement to something secure in your yard, such as a clothesline, and let the elements take their toll on it. This method takes the longest, but it can be interesting to watch the process of the paper fading away as your burden falls away with it. Click here to schedule your next Reiki Treatment. To submit a question about the content of this course or other services, email Jamelle at

  • Meeting Hel in her Underworld 6

    During this class, we will utilize the energies and traditions of one of the Norse rulers of the cycle of life and death, Hel. Hel was fathered by Loki and cast to rule over the underworld by Oden in spite of Loki. She is the giantess who guards the cave to the Underworld, her name meaning "hidden" or "to be hidden," signifying her expertise in drawing out what is hidden within you so that it may be released and purified. Sometimes referred to as the "Goddess of Terror," Hel has been portrayed as a scary, foreboding figure with no give to her rules of the dead. However, in today's meditation, we will see her more gentle side. Hel is not a widely known deity in the traditional sense and only appears consistently in one text, The Death of Baldr. During this story, Baldr dies, and his closest ally pleads to Hel to bring him back from the underworld. Being both a rule follower and working through her compassionate side, Hel agrees to restore his life under certain conditions, which in the end were not met. During this story, not much is mentioned about Hel, but we do glean from her a sense of structure and order that is needed when overseeing an underworld, as well as the trait of honoring the good in man when it is deserved. During our meditation will visit Hel to both access this structure of the death and rebirthing cycle and also to receive healing from her ancient energetic imprint of compassion. Hel is not the only deity of death and rebirth available to us. Other deities that can be called upon include Kali, Adonis, and Anubus, just to name a few. Every culture has something to give when it comes to enriching our Circle and Spiritual growth. Meditation is both effective and meaningful when we are aided by the old energies of those who journeyed and learned before us. During this course, we do our Sacred Work through: the Norse traditions to aid us in the cycles of death and rebirth, the North and South American traditions of the Shamanic Journey, the science of the Meridian system from Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the Japanese tradition of Reiki healing. Click here to schedule your next Reiki Treatment. To submit a question about the content of this course or other services, email Jamelle at

  • Guided Meditation 8

    Press play to enter your meditation. Music by Dan Phillipson Click here to schedule your next Reiki Treatment. To submit a question about the content of this course or other services, email Jamelle at

  • Affirmation Toolbox Step 11

    The Emotional Freedom Technique was developed by Gary Craig during his studies in Thought Field Therapy. Craig realized that by tapping specific pressure points consistently, he could rebalance his physiology with more effectiveness and ease. When this technique is paired with other healing modalities and therapies, such as journaling, meditation, and cognitive behavioral therapy, the results are then amplified. Acupressure is a medical technique from ancient China that utilizes the small, finite energy centers in the body which run along the body's meridians, or energy channels. Ancient Chinese healers, as well as Contemporary Doctors worldwide, use acupressure to stimulate areas of the body in order to trigger the body's self-healing and immune responses. The EFT system is essentially a technique of self-applied acupressure paired with affirmation work for brain re-wiring. By stimulating the pressure points of the body, the nervous system wakes up and begins a process of clearing, cleaning, restructuring, and communicating a new truth, your affirmation, to the synapses in your brain. By repeating the affirmation while you tap on your pressure points, old synapses are re-wired to new information, allowing old and false belief systems to fall away faster. Check out the Bare Roots Energy blog to learn how to create positive and effective affirmation statements. Tapping at key pressure points can be a very useful tool when you need to reset a cognitive pattern. For example, if you struggle with frequent negative self-talk, tapping your pressure points while reciting an effective affirmation that combats that negative self-talk can help you overcome the habit and replace it with healthier thoughts. When you engage in repetitive tapping along with affirmation statements and release statements, this tool can be the cart that carries you over the bridge from an emotional block to an open and free heart, mind, and life. Use the chart presented as a guide for where to tap. Tapping each spot three to nine times will provide ample repetition for the brain to react to the pressure point stimulation and rewire a faulty thought pattern. Tap on each position three to nine times, reciting your affirmation statement each time you tap. Click here to schedule your next Reiki Treatment. To submit a question about the content of this course or other services, email Jamelle at

  • Activation Dance Step 12

    When you activate your energy centers, you heighten their ability to receive and synthesize incoming information. Activate those Chakras and integrate! Only dance in a way that feels natural and safe for your body. If it is against your doctor's wishes for you to engage in activities such as dancing, listen to the music and let your soul dance! Music by Ancient Future Click here to schedule your next Reiki Treatment. To submit a question about the content of this course or other services, email Jamelle at

  • Clearing your Cord of Expectations Online Courses

    This is the purchase of the online course for Clearing Your Cord of Expectations. Have you come across something inside of you that just won't budge? Something perhaps so deep-rooted and long-lasting that you have surrendered to its burden? It doesn't have to stay that way. Ceremony is a gentle and quick way to work out your kinks and burdens so that they no longer follow you around and drag you down. Clearing your Cord of Expectations is a releasing ceremony designed for a gentle and deep healing journey. It is a dive into a specific burden you carry and its origins, providing relief from bad habits, moodiness, poor attitude, patterns of judgment, misconceptions, and disappointment. Clearing the Cords of Expectations can provide relief from Expectations that you have placed on yourself, others, situations, or life in general, Bad Habits, Assumptions, False Beliefs, Past Life Entanglements, Causes for Social Anxieties, Roots of Depression, and Ancestral Patternings. This course is a 4 part self-paced journey that includes a Reiki healing, Guided Journal Work, a Guided Meditation, and an activation at the end. The course has embedded scheduling and contact links for question submission and walks you through each of the 12 steps with a video. Once purchased, you will have access to your password-protected classroom for a full year.

  • Clearing your Cord of Expectations 1

    Welcome Thank you for choosing the Cord Clearing technique on your healing journey. My name is Jamelle. I wrote this course out of a need for a comprehensive and effective way to process those big, impactful old traumas and patterns that were keeping myself and my clients from moving forward in the healing process with ease. Sometimes old and unneeded ideals that we hold within ourselves, typically from our past, are really hard to let go of because they are so deeply engrained into our being. This routine is ideal for moving those really big things that need to move out. This course is best utilized when completed in one day but is still effective if completed over a course of several. If you need to take a break in the course, it is recommended to break after steps 4 and/or 9. If you do decide to complete the course in more than one day, I challenge you to skip ahead and complete step 12, the Activation Dance, on each day that you work in this course. You can never dance for an energetic activation too many times, and doing this will assist your body and your DNA in integrating what you have shifted and learned about yourself during your work here. I hope you find this healing system in good health and that it is effective in helping you to clear out a burden, blockage, or past trauma that has been affecting you in a disagreeable way. I also hope that you find many uses in the techniques presented in this course and are able to apply some of them to your daily life and situations. Feel free to contact me during or after your course for any of your related needs, and as always, Happy Healing! Music by Dan Phillipson Click here to schedule your next Reiki Treatment. To submit a question about the content of this course or other services, email Jamelle at

  • Journeying 7

    The Way of the Shaman by Michael Harner is a great resource to look to when entering your meditative journey if you are looking to use meditation in order to access higher connections with your own energies and the energies we can come in contact with beyond our own realm. Harner's practices provide a clear and effective way to access these connections for all individuals, regardless of their prior knowledge, and during today's meditation, we will be utilizing his techniques to connect to and travel to the underworld, where you will give away that which you no longer need. Music by Michael Phillipson Click here to schedule your next Reiki Treatment. To submit a question about the content of this course or other services, email Jamelle at

  • Guided Journaling Step 9

    Meditation can provide great insight into... how things are making you feel, things you have been denying yourself of, systems or beliefs you have in place that dishonor your truth, a clear path to take, or even a not-so-clear path to take, hints and messages from those who have come before us, memories we have suppressed, and so much more. These experiences through meditation are important because they offer us the emotional and mental healing we need in a more gentle way. Apply the following questions to your life or to the issue you brought with you today as you see fit. Music by Dan Phillipson Reach out to me, Jamelle, if you have questions, confusions or need someone to walk through these questions with. Digging deep can be hard work and, at times, can even get lonely. I am here as you need me. If you are having thoughts about harming yourself or someone else, please contact 911, your doctor, a loved one, or myself. Jamelle at Bare Roots Energy: 785-532-9356 Click here to schedule your next Reiki Treatment. To submit a question about the content of this course or other services, email Jamelle at

  • Energy Healing Step 10

    The following video will deliver your Reiki treatment to your energetic bodies via Distance Reiki. Distance Reiki allows the treatment to flow from its point of origin directly to you, in your current place and now moment, transcending time and space. Play the video all the way through to get the full benefit of the Reiki treatment. It will benefit you to be laying flat on your back in a space where you can stretch your arms out to be perpendicular to your body. During your treatment, you may feel sensations of energy moving through or around you, feelings of tingling, goosebumps, or chills, or you may feel a slight heat in certain areas of your body. Everyone feels and responds to Reiki differently. Reiki does not have to be felt in a significant or specific way by the receiver for it to work and provide its full effectiveness. Reiki's energies can never do harm and work with our intentions, which is what we will incorporate into today's healing. The intentions infused into your Reiki treatment are listed below. If you have other intentions to include in this treatment, state them out loud as the treatment starts by saying to yourself, "My intention(s) are/is..." First, you will receive Reiki at the Heart Center and then down each of your arms to your palms in order to clear, elevate, and heal your Horizontal Energy Channel. You may feel a need to spread your arms out to your side, perpendicular to your torso. Moving during treatment is absolutely fine in this way; however, if you have to get up during treatment, it will be best to take it slow and pause the video for the best effects. You may receive this healing as many times as you wish by re-watching this video. Be cognizant of how you respond to the Reiki before moving forward with this option. Please call me or email me if you have questions about your Reiki treatment! The intentions of this Reiki treatment are... to open up the heart to the releasing process, to heal the heart center to its highest potential, to clear the horizontal energy channel of blockages to create an unhindered path out through the palms, and to gently and easily release the burden and heal. Music by Dan Phillipson Click here to schedule your next Reiki Treatment. To submit a question about the content of this course or other services, email Jamelle at

  • A Little Introduction 2

    Introduction This course utilizes the act of Ceremony to open a healing container for you while you work through the healing process of looking at specific burdens to let them go. This healing container will provide both structure and a more gentle healing path for you as you do your inner work of seeing, acknowledging, and releasing baggage that has been holding you back. This course will take you through a healing treatment that will involve deep work, made easier by the administration of guided meditation, Reiki healing, and an activation dance. When all of these healing practice elements are incorporated into one treatment, processing event, or ceremony, the healing is amplified! This course is designed to gently guide you through the releasing process of blockages by... guiding you to and through the blockage with guided journaling to clear out the emotional and mental bodies, guiding you through the releasing process with Guided Meditation to clear out the spiritual and mental bodies, and administering a Reiki healing treatment to heal the horizontal energy channel and all four bodies; the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Music by Dan Phillipson Click here to schedule your next Reiki Treatment. To submit a question about the content of this course or other services, email Jamelle at

  • Agenda 3

    Take this time to get to know the path your class is going to take. During the Clearing Your Cords process, I offer the healing in this particular order to make sure that all of what is going to surface during the process has come up for you before the Reiki treatment is administered. By following this timeline, the treatment is all the more effective and impactful on your ultimate goal, which is to heal through the releasing process. Letting go can be painful, but Reiki always makes it less so. Music by Dan Phillipson Click here to schedule your next Reiki Treatment. To submit a question about the content of this course or other services, email Jamelle at

  • The Dive 4

    For this step, you will need a journal/paper, something to write with, and time set aside to complete the following questions. If you need to take a break in the course rather than completing it in one day, it is recommended to take that break after this step in the course. Apply the following questions to the issue you brought with you in mind today- to the thing you want to kick out and let go of. When considering your core attachments, think of the things that you learned in childhood or through long-standing relationships, which led you to the conclusions that you hold and the situations that you are in now. These questions are designed for you to acknowledge some of the truths that may have been hidden or still are hidden from you. The truths we seek here are the ones that are impacting your decision-making, your view of the world, and your view of yourself in an unworthy way. Dive in and find your worth, and bring those low vibrational thoughts such as guilt, regret, and fear to the surface so we can then heal them in steps 8, 9, and 10. Reach out to me, Jamelle, if you have questions, confusions or need someone to walk through these questions with. Digging deep can be hard work and, at times, can even get lonely. I am here as you need me. If you are having thoughts about harming yourself or someone else, please contact 911, your doctor, a loved one, or myself. Jamelle at Bare Roots Energy: 785-532-9356 Click here to schedule your next Reiki Treatment. To submit a question about the content of this course or other services, email Jamelle at

  • Closing Ceremony Step 13

    You get a Free Card Reading! If you are interested in a card reading, give me a call, text or email to schedule. Thank you for journeying with the Clearing Your Cord of Expectations Process, and I hope the healing routine has been beneficial and educational for you. My contact information is provided below for your convenience. Music by Dan Phillipson Click here to schedule your next Reiki Treatment. To submit a question about the content of this course or other services, email Jamelle at

  • Catch and Release Meditation

    The Catch and Release Meditation is a guided meditation that guides you through thought release and replacement, providing ample time after the instructions are given to practice along with the recording. The Catch and Release is a great daily meditation to slow the mind and calm the nervous system. When used consistently over time, this meditation results in generalized stress reduction.

  • Catch and Release Meditation

    Welcome to the Meditation to the Higher Self.

  • Journey to the Center

    The Meditation to the Center takes you to the center of your being and teaches you how to draw your energy from a pure, clean source for refreshment and healing.

  • Journey to the Center

    Welcome to the Meditation to the Higher Self.

  • Meditation to the Higher Self

    The Meditation to the Higher Self brings the awareness of your energy being at large to the greater conscious mind for awakening and alignment of your physical and energetic bodies.

  • Meditation to the Higher Self

    Welcome to the Meditation to the Higher Self.

  • A Meditation for Overcoming Self Doubt

    Access this meditation before or after a stressful day or situation as a reminder of your inner strength. Repeating this meditation when the road gets rough is a great way to stay motivated and keep situations and life in perspective. Purchase once for lifetime access.

  • The Meditation to Your Stellar Being

    Welcome to A Meditation to Overcome Self Doubt. Enjoy a journey of remembering your own strengths and abilities.

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