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Services (46)

  • CCT™️ Chart Treatment

    Being connected with our intentions to the Crystalline Grid both eases the adaptation process and gives us an alternate energy source to feed our minds, body, and soul's life force. The connection wakes our soul as if through an electrical reemergence and awareness, working beyond the weakening EMF to tell all of the energies in the Universe exactly what we need to rebalance and adjust. By using sacred geometry to communicate our needs for balance and alignment, blockages are adjusted with more ease and in right timing.  CCT™ Healing for Businesses Business packages are available to connect your business as an entity to the Crystalline grid system and align business components to the New Earth Energies. Working through the Crystalline grid for your business can amplify success, ease planning and transitional phases, get all individuals on the same page, transform work mindset and energetic environments, or even transform systems of administration and organization with ease and grace. With a CCT™ treatment for your business, you have access to the guarantee that your business is aligned in its core purpose and functions as such. CCT™ Charting CCT™ Charting can be used both for the individual, having the same effects as the Energetic treatment, and also for elements beyond the individual. When we are seeking to change our circumstances, our view points, heal from a harmful mindset, or clear ourselves of unwanted patterns, the CCT™ Charting process is a perfect venue to bring about real transformation gently and effortlessly. Ideal healing options for chart work include but are not limited to: Transform a relationship at its core principles and in the best interest of both involved.  Uncover relationship phases. Transform patterns within a relationship Transform communication within a relationship Bringing yourself or a relationship into transitional mastery Synchronize timing for yourself or a relationship Release negative Karma Relieve conflict between two individuals, a group or between groups Discovery Chart to uncover reasons, causes, and next steps Heal Ancestral Groups Transforming patterns to Aquarian Groups Ease through big changes/transformations Clearing spaces of dead orgone energies, and more To find out more about the different types of CCT™ Treatments available, please visit the Crystalline Consciousness Technique Page of this website. To learn more about the CCT™ and its foundation, please visit:

  • Q.H. Daily Chakra Infusion Instruction

    Quantum Healing for Daily Use is a system of daily energy center clearing that can provide your life with a renewed sense of clarity, focus, and creation. Quantum Healing for Daily Use incorporates, much like the healings, guided planning, tonal integration, visualization, and purposeful intention work, to create a daily meditative routine that will clear and begin to activate your energy body in a way that it has not lived before. Learn this routine for your own daily use!  This will be the only daily energetic cleanser you need! The Quantum Healings are a great way to take back control and manage your day-to-day. It can seem impossible to balance everything that is on our plates at times. By utilizing this energetic technique on a daily basis, you can change the trajectory of your stress, anxiety, depression, ADD/HD, and begin to heal your trauma naturally. Once you have incorporated this routine into your daily schedule, things begin to gently shift, fall better into place, and begin to stabilize in a way that supports your well-being. Daily use of this technique can provide your major energy centers with a deep and structured cleanse and begin to activate dormant centers in your field that will begin to change your life dramatically. The Quantum Healing for Daily Use ads the Source Light Protocol to the Daily Chakra Infusion provides instruction on intention setting and a deeper understanding of Energy Anatomy, a guided meditation, and a card deck transcript with your daily protocol. Quantum Healing Sessions are available with and without coaching. Scheduling is flexible and contract-free. Quantum Healing Daily Protocol for Self-Use: $333 Treatment Only: $95 Additional Coaching: $30 after a year of purchase Handmade Infused Card Deck: $45 Learn More at Terms, Conditions, and Privacy Policy

  • Alchemical Trails Life Pattern Reading

    The traditional ways of viewing our lives along a two-dimensional timeline have played their purpose for timekeeping, historical tracking, and referencing global events. However, when viewing one's individual life cycle in a circular term, the gates of magic on Earth are opened! Have you ever wondered what the future has to hold for you? A life pattern reading is the analysis of your life events in 3-year increments. This reading can help to connect the dots of the past with habits and healing for the present and the future, as well as help to map out essential timelines and future event spaces. This service can take place over email, phone, or in person. This deeper life path reading requires us to discuss and map your major life events and your future goals. Clients have the choice of a phone or zoom conference before and after the readings. Once paid for, you will receive contact from me within 48 hours to review your order.  View these services in the Alchemical Trails for easier ordering.

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Blog Posts (65)

  • The Hall of Assumptions

    by Jamelle Zablow-Moloney 12/54/2024 The past shines through our eyes, our thoughts, our words, our lives, and our creations every moment of every day as we move forward in the same way, over and over again, informed by all we already experienced. What if we stopped looking back and started looking forward in every moment (within reason)? Then, we would perpetuate our constant opportunity to create what we are looking forward to receiving- our dreams, our goals, our plans, and the assumptions that cause us to thrive rather than living off of stagnant assumptions and repeating stagnant behavior. The past lives on in our memory, as well as within each of our cells, constantly available to inform us of what we have already experienced and learned. This is a miraculous and imperative mechanism of the mind and energy body that alerts us when things are off and helps to keep us from making the same mistakes twice. The past transforms within us, becoming our learned behavior , becoming integrally woven into our systems of functioning, and becoming our Hall of Assumptions, where all of our knowledge about what to expect is stored. Assumptions are a product of our past, and, therefore, are also stored in our every cell, both in functional ways and malfunctioning ways. Each morning, when we wake up to our daily routine with bits and pieces of it, if not all of it, operating on autopilot, we make use of the assumptions we have programmed ourselves to accept. Most of this is an automatic mechanism of our third-dimensional experience, allowing us to assume that in the morning, our toothbrush will be where we left it the night before, for example. Because of the nature of our shared reality, we can count on these constants of physics in our lives. And thankfully so, because without them, we would have to go on a quest each morning just to brush our teeth! Hall of Assumptions | Bare Roots Energy Without the constants of our shared creation and reality, there would be no structure to our human experience, and nothing would be predictable, leaving us with a world that we could not effectively change for long-term benefit. If you can imagine it, it would look like a world without safety nets for the sick, without a community for connection, and without the ability to grow food, hunt in the daylight, or gather clean water. Let's all be thankful for our ability to create this reality together for a moment, as our collective understanding of the planet is what keeps in place the structures that we use daily! The nature of our co-existence and the way that it is created is why we look outside and see green grass and blue skies. All of these constants are the working assumptions we were taught and collectively accept and live with. We need them if we want to keep experiencing life together and life on this planet. Just everything in the universe, there's another side to this coin. Malfunctioning assumptions are those that hold us back and keep us repeating patterns in our lives that perpetuate suffering. They are the beliefs we were taught as a child, and those that we taught ourselves while rationalizing our experiences. We can see this in our own individual lives, as well as culturally and worldwide as a species. Wars have been started over misinformed assumptions...truly assumptions live on a spectrum just like everything else, some are good, some are not. But...assumptions can change, because we change, and grow, and just like the rest of life, we learn how fluid they really are as our lives change with them. The way we look at our assumptions can help to determine the success our our healing path. It is important for us to know about the assumptions we operate under because all of our assumptions inform our conscious thoughts, decisions, and actions. They lead us to wear specific clothing, speak in a particular way, take a certain route to work, or avoid a specific hallway. Our assumptions, even more importantly, teach us. The reality they create becomes so habitual in our minds that they are then second nature, and sooner than later, we are using a tone of voice towards someone because we have assumed of their disapproval before the conversation even began. Misinformed, maligned, and dysfunctional assumptions are one of the biggest culprits of communication breakdown that we can absolutely tackle when we look at our thinking patterns, and engage in metacognition. (You know I'm going to tell you to read The Meditation Manual!) When we are aware in the present moment of the origin thoughts, the biases and the opinions we cary from the past, we can modulate how we respond by taking responsibility for our own perceptions, opening up communication to allow others to express theirs freely. Know yourself. Know your mind. Know what's stored in your Hall of Assumptions. The past is a funny thing that likes to teach us about what does and what does not work. It moves through us in the assumptions and belief systems we keep. However, our communication with the past doesn't end there, because through these assumptions and belief systems come our thoughts- our catalysts for creation, and our actions- creation itself. I know you're probably tired of reading me write this, but yes, your assumptions and thoughts produce your world and your experiences. As you live in autopilot running off of the assumptions from your past, you project to your future what is in your mind and in your field- your past! As you live in the present moment, knowing yourself, and running off of the awareness of your thoughts, you can then choose what to think. When you can choose what you're thinking about, you're choosing what to create! My questions are: Do you take regular inventory of your assumption toolbox? Are you aware of the assumptions you function with on a daily basis in a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual way? Do you carry assumptions you no longer need? Do you have assumptions that keep you from having fresh and unprojected communication? Do you have a way to transform your assumptions into something useful? Come and take a Shamanic Journey with me to your Hall of Assumptions so that we can begin to clear out what's holding you back. Thanks for reading, Happy Healing, Jamelle from BRE

  • The Alchemical Trails

    The Steps of Ancient Alchemy Described Jamelle Zablow-Moloney 11/20/22 Is ancient alchemy still relevant? You bet your aching bones it is! Alchemy has gotten such a bad rap over the centuries due to witchcraft lore, however, if the term 'alchemy' were, in fact, isolated to the practices of witches, then we would ALL be witches! Alchemy, the process of changing form, is the force that perpetuates us forward through our internal, personal, and Earthy cycles. Alchemy did not originate in any terms in association with witchcraft but rather became a systematic way to describe the phenomena of healing and spiritual growth, eventually being associated with witchcraft due to the healer's practices. The term and practice of alchemy are not associated with a particular belief system, but as the root of Alchemy simply describes the movement of life, it lends itself to multiple religions and scientific practices as a framework of growth and realization. When analyzed in a systematic way and applied to the cycles we currently live through, one finds that the steps of alchemy can provide insight into a calmer outlook, as expectations shift and heal. Here, you will find a brief description of the Alchemical Trails we all walk through in life, as described in the following 12 steps, and giving you a tool to see how they line up with your own natural rhythms and cycles. There are several renditions of the alchemical process, and some do not align with each other perfectly. Here, we will refer to George Ripley's 12 Gates, as this is the most popular referral and lends itself easily to living interpretations and insights. Calcination : When the processing of daily life becomes hardened, the calcination stage will burn away your impurities so that you can form something new from the ashes. Calcination works through the Fire Door and the Struggle Phase, as all of the pieces of you that have survived, come tumbling out of the fire to show you their full truth. Dissolution : Dissolution clears out the Water Door of emotional processing as you reflect on the previous stage of calcination. You analyze how your new emptiness feels, take stock of what you have left over and what you have gained, and begin to plan ahead. Separation : After the calcination has burned away your impurities, and the dissolution has washed away their ashes, all of your pieces are then revealed, sparkling new for you to sift through and sort out. This is the stage of growth, working through your Air Door , where you begin to re-collect your favorite parts and begin your rebuilding. Conjunction : Conjunction brings your pieces back together into a new form as a physical being walking through the Earth Door , starting a new journey of creation. The conjunction is your rebuilding and completion stage when the new you walks a new path with a new perspective. Putrification : Putrification is the result of the conjunction, when the unneeded parts die and fall away, neutralizing back into pure energy. This is somewhat of a clean-up stage after the conjunction, where you continue to shed what you chose to save but ended up not needing. At this stage, your old perspectives and assumptions are falling along the wayside, left to burn and wash away again through the Fire and Water doors, as you forget them and move onto a Spiritual existence here on Earth. Cibation/Distillation : Cibation refers to receiving nourishment from Source, allowing that higher energy to shine through you in the best interest of all involved. Distillation is the extension of cibation, living that divinity in real-time through both the Air and the Earth Doors. Distillation is having one foot in both worlds; as you walk in your Earthly experience, you do so successfully holding a Spiritual perspective. In this place, you have mastered emotional control and are able to manifest, respond rather than react, and see the world in the light of grace. Crystallization : At this stage, you have fully claimed your divinity and work and play in the progress and process of your divine purpose. From here, you spiral inward through your Spirit Door in the center of your elemental doors and live your truth in full spectrum. You are fully aligned after crystallization and claim your clarity through your actions rather than living by the misaligned values life once placed upon you. Some place the process of crystallization in the Fire Door , referring to the pressurized heat that it takes to create such beautiful and pure stones. Sublimation : Sublimation, literally speaking, is the changing of the physical form to ether. It is the continuous cycle through the elemental doors in its entirety, and in the Alchemical process, refers to the mastery of your energy body. This is the stage of self-realization where you have a full understanding of your energetic layers and components, and how working to keep them healthy can rectify and heal your quality of life and death. Fermentation : -the art of extracting the energy from the substance to use it freely. Fermentation is the masterful use of your energy bodies in your daily life and using your own energy for healing as you experience events that inappropriately adjust your frequencies. Working through the Earth Door , fermentation guides you through the process of applying your higher principles to life. Exaltation : Exaltation is the culmination of the right conditions for your truth to fully shine. When in this place you are expressing your truth by fully living your potential and divine purpose. You are engaged in your Soul Purpose work and are aligned with how to operate in this way indefinitely, as you are fully grounded in your Spirit Door . Multiplication : Multiplication is the practice of continuous growth, as you humbly seek to learn more and become a more potent version of your Soul Self. By aligning and accessing your continuous cycles through all four elemental doors , you master manifestation and build yourself in expansion. Projection : Projection is the Philosopher's Stone, the ultimate goal reached, in that you have fully realized your etheric potential and have mastered its use in this Earthly plane. Projection occurs when all four doors are aligned and running on pure energy without any interference from the vibrations of the environment. Few men who have dedicated themselves to this study have achieved this feat, however, there are accounts of it as told recently by Baird T. Spalding in his works titled Ascent to the Highest Temple In The World, Life, and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East. I hope you found these references useful, and as always, Happy Healing, from Jamelle @ Bare Roots Energy !

  • Is Your Solar Plexus Center Healthy?

    By Jamelle Zablow-Moloney Our Solar Plexus Center is one of the busiest energy centers in the body. This center impacts and is impacted by our health and digestion; it serves as a control center for our will, decision-making, and self-worth, and it connects us to those with whom we have strong and lasting relationships. Most importantly, the health of the Solar Plexus Center directly influences and is influenced by our thoughts. The Solar Plexus front protrudes from a core point at the spine, below the rib cage, and then outward from the abdomen area. Through our Solar Plexus center, our thoughts directly impact our physical health. When the front of your Solar Plexus is clean and operating optimally, we are aware of our place in the world and optimize the experience by using our personal talents to express out into the world through the jobs we do and the relationships we have. Through a rooted connection with this center, we can see how our place, among others, is impactful. With this knowledge on board, we can then look in reverence at the impact others (incoming energy) have on us personally, beginning to see the whole picture and understand the value of balanced systems. With a healthy front center, the Solar Plexus Chakra shines into us a foundation of confidence, adaptability, and clarity as we make our assessments of the world. In this state, we feel emotionally balanced and create trusting and lasting relationships with others. When the front of the Solar Plexus Chakra is clouded with a build-up of energy, we can begin to suffer from low self-esteem, spaciness, emotional highs and lows, low confidence, an inability to decide, and over-sensitivity to stimuli. This is an easy center for caregivers to exhaust when they do not take the time to replenish themselves regularly. With a build of energy in the Solar Plexus area, we can also begin to feel the tension build over time. This is not a sign that something is wrong but a clue into what needs to be released. All of our chakras become clouded with energetic build-up from time to time. It is not an ailment but a consequence of the type of world we live in. It is becoming so important for us to monitor our thoughts in order to feel better, live better, and be better. Our thoughts drive everything we experience on a daily basis, creating for us in real-time and keeping our Solar Plexus Center incredibly busy in the act. The back of the Solar Plexus is directly across from its front, protruding out the back of the rib cage. A healthy Solar Plexus back has the same positive symptoms as its front side yet expresses these traits through a more personal and physical manner rather than an emotional one. This is the center responsible for synthesizing the thought processes we store in our field into physical manifestation, making it a very important center for our mechanisms of creation. As the back of the Solar Plexus thrives, we are able to divert our negative thinking patterns into action of change and redirect the wording to create thoughts of beauty, hope, and optimism. This is the center that causes back pain when you worry too much. When healthy, we respect our bodies, understand physical boundaries, value our health, and care well for ourselves. When unhealthy , body image can be a sore spot, negative self-talk can take center stage, and we may put too much or too little value on physical traits in ourselves or others. An unhealthy back could also lead to storing excess fat and fatigue as our minds run away with inner words and images made up of frequencies that drain our energy, rather than feeding and replenishing it. How to work with the Solar Plexus Chakra Core exercises and working with the color yellow during your visualization or meditation is a great ways to feed this chakra. Feed this chakra yellow light from the back, and watch a yellow light expand out from the front. Meditating with a sun in your abdomen or meditating outside with the sun are both quick ways to feed this chakra and feel instant relief. For long-term relief, chase your shadows back to your first impressions of your mental health as it was impacted by your body. Reflect on your self-worth and take action to make it whole. Assess your current value on health and your current self-care practices, get enough rest, and clean your energy centers daily. Relax! Several times a day, take a deep breath and let out a deep sigh while you release and relax your back. Let your worries go for a moment, and reflect on the positive aspects of your self-worth before going back to your task. If you struggle feeding yourself positive feedback, envision someone who has given you positive feedback in the past, and see them providing it to you in your now moment. Look out for the Heart Chakra indicators in the next email that will come in the next 2-4 weeks. Always feel free to give me a ring or an email if you'd like to know more about your energy bodies! Notable Citations: Brennan, Barbara Ann. Hands of Light . Bantam Books, 1988. White, Ruth. Working With Your Chakras. Barnes & Noble, 1993. Pranic Healers Outside of India. The Ancient Art & Science of Modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga; World Pranic Healing Foundation, Official Website for outside of India.

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  • The Roots of the Priestesss | Bare Roots Energy Reiki & Meditation Services, Lawrence, Ks|Bare Roots Energy Reiki & Meditation Services, Lawrence, Ks

    Roots of the Priestess Classes Begin January 29th 2025 Find yearly or monthly tickets below and on the Events Page! The planet has long been calling its stewards for renewal, healing, and participation. A Priestess’ journey begins with a full heart of expression that requires an outlet so big that all of the heavens can hear your voice. It begins when we are small and see the wonder in the world. It begins and starts again when we experience the rocks, boulders, walls, and mountains in the road, and it begins each day when we wake up and choose love within so that we can radiate love without. As the world continuously awakens and grows, does your intuition pull at you? Is there a curiosity tugging at your energy that you want to follow but aren’t sure where it will lead? I welcome, sound the CALL of the Wild, the Call of the Balance, and the Call of the Planet, for you to join me on the most transformational journey of your life! The New Earth Priestess Studies follow a long lineage line of thousands of women who have traveled the Priestess Path to find and refine the jewels they had hidden inside of themselves. In return for our dedicated work with this process, we are also shown the jewels in the world around us and learn how to become the creator of the jewels we seek. Roots of the Priestess is a practice in self-care and awakening handed down from a lineage of women that serve to remind us of our Sacred belonging here on this Earth. A gateway into Priestess-hood through the Nicole Christine's New Earth Priestess Lineage Line, Roots of the Priestess tailors its beauty and health information to the female body, teaching self-healing practices to support and nurture the balance of your energetic body and your Divine Feminine and Masculine in the safe container of our close-knit circle. The New Earth Priestess Path is a deep journey into your own forest and a cleansing look at your own roots, with the intent to heal, repair, restore, refresh, and infuse your entire inner and outer landscape with the light and love of the creation process. The constant ungrounding we experience as we interact with the world is mitigated with daily practices for the body, mind, and soul. The trauma within that we have refused to look at and that we have refused to heal, finally finds space within the body to be released, freeing our heart, mind, and soul to express our truth and love. Through this process, the body is provided the sovereign freedom our hearts were meant to experience and deliver to the world each day. We were meant for greatness! We are chariots of a phenomenal power within us, and we are only now, after centuries of ignoring our truth as a human race, beginning to remember and wake up to the practices of our ancestors and the cycles this planet and our bodies have to offer us to heal and thrive. The Priestess Path is an empowering journey into the specific practices, new and old, that can transform your daily life systematically, and allow you to hand yourself a golden platter of aclhemical growth. While traveling on the Priestess Path together, we hone in on the self-management of our own frequency and our own destinies by stepping out and into the container of the New Earth Priestess, a space of deep healing, clarity, insight, and unconditional love. The Circle that holds you is the one you grow in the best. Roots of the Priestess is the container that will hold you throughout the year as you follow that spiritual curiosity into a stronger intuition that will nurture your own truth and awaken you to your possibilities of healing. Within this space, we have the freedom to explore all of our heart’s desires and refine our relationship with our creation centers. Each circle we open during class provides stepping stones and a safety net for your journey as we weave in and out of self-care and self-healing practices that have been lost to our modern world. When joining us on these alchemical trails, the transformation will begin to brew within you. I invite you to let it! I invite you to open up to receive the blessings and the miracles your heart and free will can produce when you have the support of a loving community and the knowledge of all of the female lineage lines that have come before us. When things come up for release, they can begin to muster up within us the tendency to flee, fight it, stuff it back down, and even deny its truth. The Priestess Path will hold you gently as you decide to release, and teach you how to hold yourself accountable as you find yourself refusing to run any longer. New Earth Priestess Studies Classes for the first year in Roots of the Priestess (1) run monthly to align with our New Moon ceremonies. Classes for the second year, The Rooted Priestess (2) run monthly to align with our New Moon ceremonies. Classes for the third year, New Earth Priestess run weekly and inlcude monthly Full Moon Cermonies. Classes for the fourth year, New Earth High Priestess run weekly and include monthly Full Moon Ceremonies. We are in the business of cleaning ourselves out so that the next seven generations can thrive. Some things we’ve all experienced on our Priestess Journeys so far... Finding our hiding selves Learning how to access our true creative powers Learning how to call upon and access right timing and right action Learning about the patterns and cycles that govern us all Learning about ancient deities and practices that can guide us still Feeling the significance of the balance we establish between our Sacred Dualities Learning how to access our higher knowledge and work through our divine inspiration Learning how to keep our vessels clean and clear for a stronger connection Learning the importance we play in this Earth's path of healing Learning how to manage our experiences through natural cycles and healing Feeling a deep integration of our new knowledge and awakened energies Journeys to the Akashics Each month we get a healing meditation A powerhouse of resources in our online classroom The opportunity to share our altar, inspirational music, and heritage with the group A safe space to share our stories and experiences with others who offer love, hope, and support Learning about the importance of ceremony Learning daily practices for the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies and so, so much more! What are you waiting for? What do you need to kick out of your life to thrive? Join Bare Roots Energy with a supportive and loving group of women as you uncover the truth of these questions for yourself and decide what direction you want your heart to guide you in. Join us in celebrating and carrying on the wisdom of the women who have come before us and the Sacred Hearts who created our lovely lineage line and fellowship, New Earth Priestess! Happy Healing, and see you in class! Jamelle at Bare Roots Energy SCHEDULE Classes for ROOTS OF THE PRIESTESS (1) will begin January 29th, 2025. We will meet on Zoom, at 6:30 pm. Our dates this year are: January 29 th , 2025, 6:30 PM CST February 26 th , 2025, 6:30 PM CST March 26 th , 2025, 6:30 PM CST April 28 th , 2025, 6:30 PM CST May 27 th , 2025, 6:30 PM CST June 25 th , 2025, 6:30 PM CST July 23 rd , 2025, 6:30 PM CST August 20 th , 2025, 6:30 PM CST September 22 nd , 2025, 6:30 PM CST October 21 st , 2025, 6:30 PM CST November 19 th , 2025, 6:30 PM CST December 17 th , 2025, 6:30 PM CST A simple and powerful group of journeyers who support each other year-round, share their experiences and curiosities, and build a healthy sisterhood of unconditional love, acceptance, and grace. Roots of the Priestess is a 12-month course that meets monthly in yearly cycles. Classes will be recorded and sent within 72 hours! To have access to the course content online, sign up for the whole year! If you are interested in learning more about this class, please email or call! 785-532-9356 The Roots of the Priestess 360 Days $444.00 or Monthly Payments Roots of the Priestess View Details Monthly Tickets Wed, Jan 29 Roots of the Priestess Monthly Ciricle / Zoom Link Emailed to Students Multiple Dates Buy Tickets Jan 29, 2025, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM CST Zoom Link Emailed to Students Join us for the 2025 online class Roots of the Priestess A 12-month course that teaches how to cleanse inside and out and how to open up energy channels for wholeness and manifestation! Be a part of this amazing wellness circle that meets monthly to celebrate, learn, release, and meditate! Wed, Feb 26 Roots of the Priestess Monthly Ciricle / Zoom Link Emailed to Students Multiple Dates Buy Tickets Feb 26, 2025, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM CST Zoom Link Emailed to Students Join us for the 2025 online class Roots of the Priestess A 12-month course that teaches how to cleanse inside and out and how to open up energy channels for wholeness and manifestation! Be a part of this amazing wellness circle that meets monthly to celebrate, learn, release, and meditate! Wed, Mar 26 Roots of the Priestess Monthly Ciricle / Zoom Link Emailed to Students Multiple Dates Buy Tickets Mar 26, 2025, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM CDT Zoom Link Emailed to Students Join us for the 2025 online class Roots of the Priestess A 12-month course that teaches how to cleanse inside and out and how to open up energy channels for wholeness and manifestation! Be a part of this amazing wellness circle that meets monthly to celebrate, learn, release, and meditate! Mon, Apr 28 Roots of the Priestess Monthly Ciricle / Zoom Link Emailed to Students Multiple Dates Buy Tickets Apr 28, 2025, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM CDT Zoom Link Emailed to Students Join us for the 2025 online class Roots of the Priestess A 12-month course that teaches how to cleanse inside and out and how to open up energy channels for wholeness and manifestation! Be a part of this amazing wellness circle that meets monthly to celebrate, learn, release, and meditate! Tue, May 27 Roots of the Priestess Monthly Ciricle / Zoom Link Emailed to Students Multiple Dates Buy Tickets May 27, 2025, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM CDT Zoom Link Emailed to Students Join us for the 2025 online class Roots of the Priestess A 12-month course that teaches how to cleanse inside and out and how to open up energy channels for wholeness and manifestation! Be a part of this amazing wellness circle that meets monthly to celebrate, learn, release, and meditate! Wed, Jun 25 Roots of the Priestess Monthly Ciricle / Zoom Link Emailed to Students Multiple Dates Buy Tickets Jun 25, 2025, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM CDT Zoom Link Emailed to Students Join us for the 2025 online class Roots of the Priestess A 12-month course that teaches how to cleanse inside and out and how to open up energy channels for wholeness and manifestation! Be a part of this amazing wellness circle that meets monthly to celebrate, learn, release, and meditate! Wed, Jul 23 Roots of the Priestess Monthly Ciricle / Zoom Link Emailed to Students Multiple Dates Buy Tickets Jul 23, 2025, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM CDT Zoom Link Emailed to Students Join us for the 2025 online class Roots of the Priestess A 12-month course that teaches how to cleanse inside and out and how to open up energy channels for wholeness and manifestation! Be a part of this amazing wellness circle that meets monthly to celebrate, learn, release, and meditate! Wed, Aug 20 Roots of the Priestess Monthly Ciricle / Zoom Link Emailed to Students Multiple Dates Buy Tickets Aug 20, 2025, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM CDT Zoom Link Emailed to Students Join us for the 2025 online class Roots of the Priestess A 12-month course that teaches how to cleanse inside and out and how to open up energy channels for wholeness and manifestation! Be a part of this amazing wellness circle that meets monthly to celebrate, learn, release, and meditate! Mon, Sep 22 Roots of the Priestess Monthly Ciricle / Zoom Link Emailed to Students Multiple Dates Buy Tickets Sep 22, 2025, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM CDT Zoom Link Emailed to Students Join us for the 2025 online class Roots of the Priestess A 12-month course that teaches how to cleanse inside and out and how to open up energy channels for wholeness and manifestation! Be a part of this amazing wellness circle that meets monthly to celebrate, learn, release, and meditate! Tue, Oct 21 Roots of the Priestess Monthly Ciricle / Zoom Link Emailed to Students Multiple Dates Buy Tickets Oct 21, 2025, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM CDT Zoom Link Emailed to Students Join us for the 2025 online class Roots of the Priestess A 12-month course that teaches how to cleanse inside and out and how to open up energy channels for wholeness and manifestation! Be a part of this amazing wellness circle that meets monthly to celebrate, learn, release, and meditate! Wed, Nov 19 Roots of the Priestess Monthly Ciricle / Zoom Link Emailed to Students Multiple Dates Buy Tickets Nov 19, 2025, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM CST Zoom Link Emailed to Students Join us for the 2025 online class Roots of the Priestess A 12-month course that teaches how to cleanse inside and out and how to open up energy channels for wholeness and manifestation! Be a part of this amazing wellness circle that meets monthly to celebrate, learn, release, and meditate! Wed, Dec 17 Roots of the Priestess Monthly Ciricle / Zoom Link Emailed to Students Multiple Dates Buy Tickets Dec 17, 2025, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM CST Zoom Link Emailed to Students Join us for the 2025 online class Roots of the Priestess A 12-month course that teaches how to cleanse inside and out and how to open up energy channels for wholeness and manifestation! Be a part of this amazing wellness circle that meets monthly to celebrate, learn, release, and meditate! Enter the Classroom

  • Roots of the Priestess Classroom | Bare Roots Energy Reiki & Meditation Services, Lawrence, Ks|Bare Roots Energy Reiki & Meditation Services, Lawrence, Ks

    Roots of the Priestess The Circle is Open Nothing Broken, Nothing to Fix All are Welcome Classroom A simple and powerful group of journeying women that support each other year-round, share their experiences and curiosities and build a healthy sisterhood of unconditional love, acceptance, and grace. Roots of the Priestess is a 12-month course that meets monthly in yearly cycles. If you have missed the January sign-up date, and would still like to join, please contact me at so that I can pro-rate your fee! Classes will be recorded and sent to students, so no worries if you miss now and again! To have access to the course content online, sign up for the whole year! Classes for 2025 will meet once a month, 6:30 pm Central on the following days: To be determined, and on dates near the New Moon Phases. If you are interested in learning more about this class, visit the Roots of the Priestess Page , or email or call! 785-532-9356 The Door is Always Open The Roots of the Priestess 360 Days $444.00 or Monthly Payments Roots of the Priestess Enter SacredRhythmsClassroom

  • Bare Roots Energy Reiki & Meditation Services Lawrence, Ks

    Try it for $30 (mini sessions) Healing at the Roots Providing energetic free will for the relief from stress, anxiety, depression, ADD/HD, physical ailment, trauma, and more. Step into your daily energetic practices with Bare Roots Energy. Screenshot 2023-11-24 at 4.51.59 PM Begin your healing here. Book Now. General Zoom Access to Free Healing- Click Here This event is also streamed live on Facebook at Screenshot 2023-11-24 at 4.42.58 PM Power of 8 Healing Circle Link. Email for free Admittance. Screenshot 2024-09-05 at 4.15.29 PM Sacred Rhythms Classroom The Meditation Manual Cover Square Meditation Manual, available in a paperback workbook or as an online course. Join Our Mailing List Thanks for signing up! Up Coming Events Thu, Jan 16 Bi-Weekly Free Online Reiki Clinic / Zoom: Multiple Dates Buy Tickets Jan 16, 2025, 8:30 PM – 9:00 PM CST Zoom: Join me on Zoom and FB Live every other Thursday night, 8:30 Central Standard Time, for a Free mini-healing. Fall gently into relaxation and healing from anywhere, all over the world. Donations are welcome! Purchase a ticket here, or donating on Venmo or PayPal. Tue, Jan 21 Reiki Seminar / Lawrence Multiple Dates Buy Tickets Jan 21, 2025, 5:30 PM – Dec 23, 2025, 9:30 PM Lawrence, 930 Iowa St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA Reiki Seminar meets monthly to review Reiki techniques, share our Reiki experiences, and discuss the ways in which we can live more fluidly with our bodies, our energies, and our environment. Tue, Jan 21 Power of 8 Healing Mefitation Group / Zoom: Multiple Dates Buy Tickets Jan 21, 2025, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM CST Zoom: Join us on Zoom on the 3rd Monday of every month for a group healing meditation. Sessions are focused on the groups intentions that are gathered throughout the month. Please contact jamelle at to sign up for group membership. Group membership not required for ticket purchase. Mon, Jan 27 Children's Qigong Courses / Lawrence Multiple Dates Buy Tickets Jan 27, 2025, 5:30 PM – 6:00 PM Lawrence, 930 Iowa St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA Channel and Calm the body's energy and sharpen the body's mind with fun Qigong Kids Movement Courses that help your little and big ones strengthen their locus of control. Qigong is a great option to reduce anxiety, depression, lethargy, and chronic pain. Wed, Jan 29 Roots of the Priestess Monthly Ciricle / Zoom Link Emailed to Students Multiple Dates Buy Tickets Jan 29, 2025, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM CST Zoom Link Emailed to Students Join us for the 2025 online class Roots of the Priestess A 12-month course that teaches how to cleanse inside and out and how to open up energy channels for wholeness and manifestation! Be a part of this amazing wellness circle that meets monthly to celebrate, learn, release, and meditate! Load More calender Schedule Here Reiki Healing Treatment Usui Reiki Healing Find Your Next Appointment Here! Calendar TESTIMONIALS Best thing I have ever done for myself! Love Janelle and highly recommend her. Best I have felt in years! Donna C., Kansas Read the interview here! Meeting and receiving services from Jamelle has been amazing! I recommend her to everyone I can. I have grown more in tune with myself with her help. Angela R., Kansas Jamelle really understood my spiritual path, and helped me to figure out where my blocks are at! She’s incredibly kind, intuitive, and knowledgeable and I’m thankful to have this service offered near me. I can’t wait for my next session and can’t recommend her highly enough! Kayla S., Kansas Current Coupons Festive Christmas Gift Voucher Coupon Bare Roots Energy Holiday Coupon 25% OFF BRE Teacher Promotion 1 copy Bare Roots Energy Gift Cards Festive Christmas Gift Voucher Coupon Bare Roots Energy Holiday Coupon 25% OFF 1/4 Blog 4 min read Just Bloggin' Around The Hall of Assumptions he past shines through our eyes, our thoughts, our words, our lives, and our creations every moment of every day as we move forward in th... 5 min read Just Bloggin' Around The Alchemical Trails Alchemy, the process of changing form, has been relevant since the beginning of time and is a force that will persist long after humans are 4 min read Our Energy Systems Is Your Solar Plexus Center Healthy? Is Your Solar Plexus Healthy? Articles of Chakra Health, by Jamelle Zablow-Moloney, Bare Roots Energy. 3 min read Meditation Tips & Tricks Energetic Hygiene and Creation on the Grid In our search as human beings for the Higgs Boson, the God Particle, we have come to understand this grid-like structure of our existence. 3 min read Just Bloggin' Around Attending to Focus; Keeping Humanity Sovereign What would happen if you shifted your focus to peace, regardless of how unimaginable an accomplishment it may seem? This simple shift can ch 1 min read About Me Small Business of the Day Feature: Bare Roots Energy Small Business of the Day Feature with Bare Roots Energy 4 min read Meditations Membership Meditation in Perspective: Seeking the Quiet Mind Meditation becomes most effective for us when used consistently, working efficiently and quickly to change our lives regardless of... 1 min read About Me Check Out My Latest Interview With MysticMag Unveiling the Power of Energy Healing With Jamelle Zablow-Moloney Thank you to Petar Vojinovic for such a lovely interview! 4 min read Planets and Zodiacs Mars, Post Battle Abundance: The Planetary Aids Series Discovered to the human race in 1610 by Galilei, Mars, first in his name, the Roman God of War and Agriculture, brings abundance from his 3 min read Plant-Based Medicine Plant-Based Medicine for Cold Season Plants have an amazing ability to heal us with a gentle ease and minimal to zero side effects. I always recommend drinking a variety of... 4 min read Quantum Healing 12.4.2023 With Bare Roots Energy Today's common knowledge is that the planet is shifting, and with it, humanity. Go tell it on the... 2 min read About Me About Me Jamelle Zablow-Moloney Bare Roots Energy Hello, my name is Jamelle Zablow-Moloney. I am humbled and honored to be a New Earth High... 4 min read Planets and Zodiacs Jupiter, Governor and Goddess of Abundance & Expansion: The Planetary Aids Series Jupiter was discovered by Galileo in 1610. It is 4.5 billion years old and knows more about God's secrets than any of us ever will. 4 min read Planets and Zodiacs Saturn, Ruler of Time and Structure: The Planetary Aids, Planets Series Saturn is the lord of time and structure, guiding our senses to plan, organize, and work through our tasks in logical order and timing. 4 min read FAQ Finding Your Right Healing Path Healing solutions that are right and perfect for you are dependent on your inner environment. Take survey of what's going on in your head... 4 min read Planets and Zodiacs Neptune: The Planetary Aids, Planets Series Join me for a year of planetary study with The Planetary Aids, Planets Series! This blog will be dedicated to getting to know each of our in 5 min read Planets and Zodiacs Uranus: The Planetary Aids, Planets Series Pluto: The Planetary Aids, Planets Series Jamelle Zablow-Moloney 5.23.2023.8 Join me for a year of planetary study with my new blog... 3 min read Planets and Zodiacs Pluto: The Planetary Aids, Planets Series At every position in the sky, there are influential energies flowing in from each planet. This article will explore the influences felt by e 4 min read Just Bloggin' Around An Awakening Planet: Raising Your Own Vibration to Heal the Vibration of the Planet The planet needs us more than ever now. Our cultures around the world suffer tremendously from violence, exposure to damaging media, and... 3 min read Just Bloggin' Around The Rub on Herbal Supplement Regulation by Jamelle Zablow-Moloney 24 March, 2023 The United States has a wobbly history with herbal supplements. There is a large air of distrust... 4 min read Just Bloggin' Around Finding the Right Herbal Supplements by Jamelle Zablow-Moloney 24 March, 2023 Herbal Supplements are a great way to reap the benefits that this beautiful planet has given us.... 7 min read Just Bloggin' Around Living Your Life Through Intention Living intentionally sounds like one of those phenomena that just naturally occurs for us; something as simple and automatic as breathing... 5 min read Just Bloggin' Around Finding Love through Finding Balance Keeping a balanced inner self can clear up issues that may be standing in the way of gaining and/or keeping lasting relationships of value. 7 min read Our Energy Systems The Nature of the Energetic Cord Energy blog, energy cords, cord clearing, cord healing, cord cutting ceremony, energy healing, reiki healing, reiki master, reiki classes 4 min read Just Bloggin' Around The Cycle of Success, Struggle, Stagnation, and Settling By Jamelle Zablow-Moloney 11/20/22 Most people just want things to get better. Tired of the struggle and the flood of problems being... 3 min read Just Bloggin' Around The Art of Eclipsing the Old Self and Transcending into Something New Transcending, for many, seems to be an impossible feat without consistent and constant dedication to a complete lifestyle change. However, t 3 min read Just Bloggin' Around The Importance of Ceremony Bare Roots Energy provides a variety of services to guide you through the restoration of your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual... 5 min read The Female and Masculine Dance The Timings of the Female Moon Body The female cycle changes a woman's entire being throughout its duration, influencing and reshaping her Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Phy 4 min read Just Bloggin' Around The Implications of The Female and Male Biological Cycles Some equate the woman's body to a changing chameleon all month long, and they aren't incorrect. A woman goes through four phases of her mens 2 min read Just Bloggin' Around Moving in Timing with the Seasons By lining up your actions with the timings of the planet, you will then be open to an easier path of manifestation by working with the f... 4 min read Just Bloggin' Around Your Relationship With Spirit Your Relationship With Spirit When was the last time you reflected on your relationship with Spirit? 2 min read Our Energy Systems The Crown Jamelle Zablow-Moloney The Crown Chakra sits atop of the head receiving all of the life force from the greater Universe that you need in... 4 min read Our Energy Systems The Importance of a Healthy Third Eye Jamelle Zablow-Moloney 19 January, 2022 My father's favorite word was that. He said that since it was one of the most commonly spoken... 3 min read Our Energy Systems Health of the Throat Chakra Center Jamelle Zablow-Moloney 19 January, 2022 The front of the Throat Chakra protrudes from the middle of the front of the neck, and the back... 2 min read Our Energy Systems The Key to Your Heart Chakra Health Jamelle Z.Moloney 29 December, 2021 Your heart chakra consists of a front and a back, both ideally with a motion of clockwise spinning... 2 min read Our Energy Systems Is Your Sacral Chakra Opened or Closed? Welcome to week 2 of your Chakra health! There is a front and a back vortex to your Sacral Chakra center. The front protrudes out from wher 2 min read Our Energy Systems Is Your Root Chakra Open or Closed? Is your Root Chakra open or blocked? Quick article about Root Chakra health. 2 min read Just Bloggin' Around The Divine Feminine J Zablow-Moloney July 12, 2021 I use to think that I, as a woman, was more connected to my feminine traits than my masculine. This was of... 3 min read Just Bloggin' Around The Divine Masculine We all have aspects of both the divine feminine and divine masculine within us, whether it be suppressed or in the forefront of your persona 3 min read Happy Birthday Dad! Dad's Eulogy, July 13, 2013 Dad, In all of your wisdom, I have grown. I have written, painted, wandered, weaved, and created with you to... 5 min read Just Bloggin' Around The Moral Role How much responsibility do the public and private school systems have in raising our youth in good morality? As a teacher I asked this... 8 min read Meditations Membership One Minute Meditation Practice One Minute Meditation Practice 4 min read Meditation Tips & Tricks Meditation Tips & Tricks #5 The Quick How-To Everyone has their own way of doing everything. You are always looking through your own lens. My hope is that the following information... 1 min read Free Meditations Ho'Oponopono This is my personal Ho'Oponopono prayer. I wrote this to help me move past events in my life that I struggle to let go of and forget. My... 2 min read Free Meditations Building the Circuit Active Meditation 1/10/2021 What do you want to affirm today? Think of the purpose for which you are hare, in this moment, and then think... 3 min read FAQ Why is Reiki an Ongoing Therapy? Some are surprised or disappointed with treatments that cannot heal them in one session. Without an understanding of Reiki, it is easy to... 1 min read Meditation Tips & Tricks Meditation Tips & Tricks #4 Don't know what to meditate about? Sometimes it's helpful to direct the mind during meditation, in order to settle it down and release... 1 min read Free Meditations Pulling in Divine Energy (sample) Written by Jim A. Zablow & Jamelle Zablow-Moloney Universal Spirit, Ignite your energy in everyone. Cultivate and stabilize your energy... 2 min read Meditation Tips & Tricks Meditation Tips & Tricks #3 Conquering the wandering mind can seem problematic with endless stimulus and responsibility surrounding us. Have no fear! Never before... 1 min read Meditation Tips & Tricks Meditation Tips & Tricks #2 Finding it hard to quiet those thoughts down? Let's metacognate! Question yourself! They tell us to question everything, then they tell... Subscribe About Me 1 min read Small Business of the Day Feature: Bare Roots Energy 1 min read Check Out My Latest Interview 2 min read About Me Contact Bare Roots Energy Bare Roots Energy 930 Iowa St Suite 3, Lawrence, KS 66044 785-532-9356 Inside of Dr. Meyer's Chiropractic Clinic Follow us on Instagram #letsheal @thisismylifeinpictures

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Programs (517)

  • Reiki Level III Course and Attunement

    Reiki Course and Attunement Level 3 provides you with the fourth symbol taught in most American Reiki practices and used traditionally to heal physical diseases and long-standing ailments. Attunement to the fourth symbol brings about a profound inner knowing and connection and deepens your relationship to the self as well as to the Reiki practice in your own life. Reiki Level 3 Level 3 provides further healing methods for the self and others, practices in intuitive healing methods, a deeper understanding of your body through meditation and creation work, a review of Levels 1 & 2, and a certificate of completion, and preparation for the student to move onto Level 4 and become a teacher of the Reiki arts. The Level 3 course is held over a 2-day period, with the first focused on the attunement and knowledge behind the practice, and the second day being focused on practice.

  • Reiki Seminar; Monthly Courses

    Reiki Seminar meets monthly to review Reiki techniques, share our Reiki experiences, and discuss the ways in which we can live more fluidly with our bodies, our energies, and our environment. We invite you to join us for our monthly meetings to stay attuned to the energies of Reiki. Seminar provides a way for us to... ...stay up to date on the latest Reiki research, ...hold ourselves accountable for our daily and self practices with Reiki healing, ...practice the art of healing amongst others who we may have trained with, and with others who bring new perspectives to the practice. ...take the time for a healing treatment for ourselves ...experience the significance of group healing ...and so much more Participating in a Reiki community on a regular basis is a key way to increase your use and benefit from the practice of Reiki. This group allows us to join together in a group of belonging and acceptance, creating a safe space for us to share and analyze our experiences and results and learn the most effective techniques for treatment. Because Reiki is so versatile and useful, it is both a treat and beneficial to learn how others apply the practice to improve outcomes and heal the layers of the body. Tickets are available on the events page at a monthly or yearly rate. Please provide verification of your Reiki Certification at least one time before participating. Textbooks for Reiki levels 1 and 2 are available for purchase in class and also on the shop page.

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