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Servicios (46)
- Reiki II Course and Attuenement
Being attuned to Reiki II enables one to use the power and energy of Reiki to heals others in a personal or professional capacity. The Reiki II attunement comes as an educational course that covers energy anatomy in deeper detail than in course I, human anatomy, methods of treatment, the three main symbols as taught by Dr. Usui, and useful information on opening your own Reiki business. The course takes place online or in person, and meets for a few hours over a 2-3 day period. Scheduling is flexible! You can join a class online, participate in person, or complete the course on your own with personal zoom meetings between you, and me, your instructor. The Reiki II course is $375 and comes with a $50 voucher for the Reiki III course. This course can be attended in person or online, with a course manual included. Energy Anatomy Reiki Fundamentals Treatment Variations Healing Protocol The Three Reiki Symbols Hayashi Reiki Healing Guide Reiki Healing Hand Positions Business Sense Earn a Certification for Usui Reiki Ryoho Level II
- Roots of the Priestess 2025 Course
Welcome to the Roots of the Priestess, the transformational path of alchemical growth and initiation into the New Earth Priestesshood. Embark on a journey of YOU all year as we meet in circle for healing, learning, sharing, transition, and growing. Learn the skills of the Shamans, the Ancestors, the Healers, and the skills of your heart as you uncover the layers and shine through. I welcome, call, and smile with excitement for you to join me on the most transformational journey of your life! The New Earth Priestess Studies follow a long lineage line of thousands of women who have traveled the Priestess Path to find and refine the jewels they had hidden inside of themselves. In return for our dedicated work with this process, we are also shown the jewels in the world around us and learn how to become the creator of the jewels we seek. The New Earth Priestess Path is a deep journey into your own forest and a cleansing look at your own roots, with the intent to heal, repair, restore, refresh, and infuse your entire inner and outer landscape with the light and love of the creation process. The constant ungrounding we experience as we interact with the world is mitigated with daily practices for the body, mind, and soul. The trauma within that we have refused to look at and that we have refused to heal, finally finds space within the body to be released, freeing our heart, mind, and soul to express our truth and love. Through this process, the body is provided the sovereign freedom our hearts were meant to experience and deliver to the world each day. Please visit to learn more and sign up! Roots of the Priestess 2025 Course Yearly Course: $444 Monthly Rate: $37
- Free Reading with Source Light Infusion
Schedule hours with me for a deep card reading and a follow-up treatment. During readings, I will utilize two decks of your choice. Sessions are available in-person or online.
Eventos (265)
- February 14, 2025 | 6:00 PM
- Reiki SeminarEntradas: $35.88 - $410.00February 18, 2025 | 11:30 PM930 Iowa St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA
- Power of 8 Healing Mefitation GroupEntradas: $10.25February 19, 2025 | 1:00 AM
Otras páginas (63)
- Energy Rewards | Bare Roots Energy Reiki & Meditation Services, Lawrence, Ks|Bare Roots Energy Reiki & Meditation Services, Lawrence, Ks
Energy Rewards Gana puntos y conviértelos en recompensas Hazte miembro 01 Regístrate Regístrate como miembro para comenzar a disfrutar del programa de fidelización 02 Gana puntos Book a session Obtén 85 Points Buy a ticket Obtén 1 Points cada vez que gastas 1 US$ Purchase a product Obtén 1 Points cada vez que gastas 1 US$ 03 Canjea recompensas 10% off all products 10 Points = 10% de descuento en todos los productos de la tienda 10% off all tickets 10 Points = 10% de descuento en todas las entradas 10% off all plans 10 Points = 10% de descuento todos los planes 10% off all services 10 Points = 10% de descuento en todos los servicios
- Bare Roots Energy Reiki & Meditation Services Lawrence, Ks
Bare Roots Energy provides a variety of energy healing and meditation services to guide you through the restoration of your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. Try it for $30 (mini sessions) Healing at the Roots Providing energetic free will for the relief from stress, anxiety, depression, ADD/HD, physical ailment, trauma, and more. Step into your daily energetic practices with Bare Roots Energy. Screenshot 2023-11-24 at 4.51.59 PM Begin your healing here. Book Now. General Zoom Access to Free Healing- Click Here This event is also streamed live on Facebook at Screenshot 2023-11-24 at 4.42.58 PM Power of 8 Healing Circle Link. Email for free Admittance. Screenshot 2024-09-05 at 4.15.29 PM Sacred Rhythms Classroom The Meditation Manual Cover Square Meditation Manual, available in a paperback workbook or as an online course. Join Our Mailing List Thanks for signing up! Up Coming Events Múltiples fechas lun, 10 feb Children's Qigong Courses / Lawrence Compra tus entradas 10 feb 2025, 17:30 – 18:00 GMT-6 Lawrence, 930 Iowa St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA Channel and Calm the body's energy and sharpen the body's mind with fun Qigong Kids Movement Courses that help your little and big ones strengthen their locus of control. Qigong is a great option to reduce anxiety, depression, lethargy, and chronic pain. Múltiples fechas mar, 11 feb Reiki II Course & Attunement / Reiki II Online Course & Attunement Detalles 11 feb 2025, 12:00 – 14:00 GMT-6 Reiki II Online Course & Attunement Bare Roots Energy teaches Reiki along the traditional lines of Usui Ryoho. Students are provided with a course manual, the attunement and a certificate of course completion. Reiki II is offered online and in person in Lawrence, Ks. Class times and locations are flexible! Múltiples fechas jue, 13 feb Bi-Weekly Free Online Reiki Clinic / Zoom: Compra tus entradas 13 feb 2025, 20:30 – 21:00 GMT-6 Zoom: Join me on Zoom and FB Live every other Thursday night, 8:30 Central Standard Time, for a Free mini-healing. Fall gently into relaxation and healing from anywhere, all over the world. Donations are welcome! Purchase a ticket here, or donating on Venmo or PayPal. Múltiples fechas mar, 18 feb Reiki Seminar / Lawrence Compra tus entradas 18 feb 2025, 17:30 – 20 ene 2026, 21:30 Lawrence, 930 Iowa St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA Reiki Seminar meets monthly to review Reiki techniques, share our Reiki experiences, and discuss the ways in which we can live more fluidly with our bodies, our energies, and our environment. Múltiples fechas mar, 18 feb Power of 8 Healing Mefitation Group / Zoom: Compra tus entradas 18 feb 2025, 19:00 – 20:00 GMT-6 Zoom: Join us on Zoom on the 3rd Monday of every month for a group healing meditation. Sessions are focused on the groups intentions that are gathered throughout the month. Please contact jamelle at to sign up for group membership. Group membership not required for ticket purchase. Cargar más calender Schedule Here Reiki Healing Treatment Usui Reiki Healing Revisa nuestra disponibilidad y reserva la fecha y hora que más te convengan Calendar TESTIMONIALS Best thing I have ever done for myself! Love Janelle and highly recommend her. Best I have felt in years! Donna C., Kansas Read the interview here! Meeting and receiving services from Jamelle has been amazing! I recommend her to everyone I can. I have grown more in tune with myself with her help. Angela R., Kansas Jamelle really understood my spiritual path, and helped me to figure out where my blocks are at! She’s incredibly kind, intuitive, and knowledgeable and I’m thankful to have this service offered near me. I can’t wait for my next session and can’t recommend her highly enough! Kayla S., Kansas Current Coupons Festive Christmas Gift Voucher Coupon Bare Roots Energy Holiday Coupon 25% OFF BRE Teacher Promotion 1 copy Bare Roots Energy Gift Cards Festive Christmas Gift Voucher Coupon Bare Roots Energy Holiday Coupon 25% OFF 1/4 Blog Aún no hay ninguna entrada publicada en este idioma Una vez que se publiquen entradas, las verás aquí. Subscribe About Me Aún no hay ninguna entrada publicada en este idioma Una vez que se publiquen entradas, las verás aquí. Contact Bare Roots Energy Bare Roots Energy 930 Iowa St Suite 3, Lawrence, KS 66044 785-532-9356 Inside of Dr. Meyer's Chiropractic Clinic Follow us on Instagram #letsheal @thisismylifeinpictures
- Sacred Rhythms 2024 | Bare Roots Energy Reiki & Meditation Services, Lawrence, Ks|Bare Roots Energy Reiki & Meditation Services, Lawrence, Ks
Join Bare Roots Energy for a monthly, online Women’s Circle that will strengthen your connection with your own Rhythms and the Rhythms of the Earth. Use the online course room to strengthen your own insight and enhance your personal evolution. Sacred Rhythms Last Call for Sacred Rhythms this year! This is the last call and opportunity to sign up for the women's circle that will change your life! You are in an exclusive group of women receiving this email because the world is WAITING FOR YOU! It's time. And the planet has been watching you. She's been watching your growth, your struggle, your journey, and she's calling you to come and dance with her. Each month in Sacred Rhythms we will open up sacred space and welcome in the flood of energy that connects us to the Earth, the Universe, and our true Soul selves. Join us at the beginning of the year to being the yearly cycle as we follow the cycles of the moon, the planets, the Earth, and uncover our own natural cycles of living, feeling, loving, and being. Enjoy the discount code at the bottom to receive a one-time offer of $100 off of the class for the whole year! That's under $20 per class! For this group only, we may have an opportunity to meet in person each month! If this interests, you, please let me know! If we meet in person, materials will emailed before class for printing, and they will also be available for you all year long in the online classroom. The planet has long been calling its stewards for renewal, healing, and participation. As the world continuously awakens and grows, does your intuition pull at you? Is there a curiosity tugging at your energy that you want to follow but aren’t sure where it will lead? Sacred Rhythms is the container that will hold you throughout the year as you follow that spiritual curiosity into a stronger intuition that will nurture your own truth and awaken you to your possibilities of healing. The Circle that holds you is the one you grow in the best. Join us for our monthly Women’s Circle to nourish and refine what you’ve been working to dig out and clean up what you’re ready to leave behind, and prepare yourself for your next steps forward. Join Bare Roots Energy for our monthly Sacred Rhythms circle to solidify your connection with the Rhythms of the Earth. Sacred Rhythms is a practice in self-care and awakening handed down from a lineage of women that serve to remind us of our Sacred belonging here on this Earth. A gateway into Priestess-hood, Sacred Rhythms tailors its beauty and health information to the female body, teaching self-healing practices to support and nurture the balance of your energetic body and your Divine Feminine and Masculine in the safe container of our close-knit circle. Each month we meet at or near the New Moon to cleanse our energy bodies and empty our sacred vessels to enhance our personal evolution and move into the life we choose and create. By engaging in the activities presented in the group, you provide your body, heart, mind, and soul with a pathway of freedom from what has plagued you, whether it be stagnation, unhealthy relationships, unhealthy habits, a longing for a new direction, a longing to join a group of like-minded-women on a healing path, or even a simple curiosity of something new. Sacred Rhythms will guide you as you clean your slate. Our monthly topics, tips, meditations, and discussions will prop you up to start again and again, as many times as you want, and as many times as you need. Enjoy the benefits of connection and community, and participate at your own pace and comfort as we meet online. Join the experience to learn about How to become and stay in alignment with the cycles of the planet ancient plant-based medicine practices the impacts of our astrological gates ancient and gentle remedies for women’s wellness deities and archetypes that have taught us about our sacred female bodies and Spiritual undertakings for thousands of years new aged and current Priestess that bless us with invaluable contemporary knowledge and perspectives of how to keep the female body whole and healthy Learn about how absolutely divine you truly are by diving into the alignment process, and discover new ways to guide your cycles and stay in alignment regardless of what life is throwing at you. We will learn the importance of ceremony, and daily practices for the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies, as well as a variety of applicable tools to help you clean out your energetic closets. Meet with u s in our monthly online women's group as we celebrate the sanctity of our true selves and begin expressing our divine truth in our daily lives! What we’ve experienced so far in our circle: Finding our hiding selves Learning how to access our true creative powers Learning how to call upon and access right timing and right action Learning about the patterns and cycles that govern us all Learning about ancient deities and practices that guide us still Learning how to access our higher knowledge and work through our divine inspiration Learning how to keep our vessels clean and clear for a stronger connection Learning the importance we play in this Earth's path of healing Learning how to manage our experiences through the natural cycles of the planet, ou r groups, and our own bodies A deep integration of our new knowledge and awakened energies through daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly practices Receive a meditation and optional Reiki treatment each month A powerhouse of resources in our online classroom The opportunity to share your altar with the group each month is welcomed and encouraged Preparation for the Priestess Path (Nicole Christine Lineage Line) A simple yet powerful group of journeying women who support each other year-round, share their experiences and curiosities and build a healthy sisterhood of unconditional love, acceptance, and grace. Sacred Rhythms is a 12-month course that meets monthly in yearly cycles. If you have missed the January sign-up date, and would still like to join, please contact me at so that I can pro-rate your fee! Classes will be recorded and sent to students, so no worries if you miss now and again! To have access to the course content online, sign up for the whole year! Classes for 2024 will meet once a month, 6:30 pm Central on the following days: Days to be determined. If you are interested in learning more about this class, please email or call! 785-532-9356 Enter the Classroom Use Coupon Code : SacredRhythms2024 for $100 off of this year's class. Please do not share this coupon code with others, as it is a part of this special invitation for you❤️ No hay producto Todos los productos Vista rápida Can-shaped glass Precio 35,00$ Impuesto excluido | Shipping Ancestral Healing Path Vista rápida Lineage Line Testing Precio 75,00$ Impuesto excluido | Shipping Which Color is Your Greatest A Vista rápida Astral Color Reading Precio 75,00$ Impuesto excluido | Shipping Vista rápida Quantum Reiki Precio 85,00$ Impuesto excluido | Shipping Infuse your cells with the ene Vista rápida Source Light Infusion Precio 95,00$ Impuesto excluido | Shipping Protocol Vista rápida Q.H. Daily Chakra Infusion Instruction Precio Desde 30,00$ Impuesto excluido | Shipping Test Drive Energy Healing Vista rápida Try it for $20 Healing Treatment Precio 20,00$ Impuesto excluido | Shipping Vista rápida Chakra Infusions Precio 95,00$ Impuesto excluido | Shipping Free Poster Vista rápida The Invocation of Isis Free Poster Precio 0,00$ Impuesto excluido Gift Set Vista rápida Tea Set for the Chakras; Herbal Tea for all 7 Chakra Houses Precio Desde 35,00$ Impuesto excluido | Shipping On Sale! Vista rápida Red Jasper Natural Stone Bracelet Agotado On Sale! Vista rápida Natural Lava Stone Bracelet Precio 10,00$ Impuesto excluido | Shipping On Sale! Vista rápida Yellow Citrite Natural Stone Bracelet Agotado On Sale! Vista rápida Turquoise Natural Stone Bracelet Precio 10,00$ Impuesto excluido | Shipping On Sale! Vista rápida Unakite Natural Stone Bracelet Precio 10,00$ Impuesto excluido | Shipping On Sale! Vista rápida Garnet Natural Chip Stone Bracelet Precio 10,00$ Impuesto excluido | Shipping