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Choisissez votre formule
Reiki Attunement
93,75$USTous les moisValable 4 mois- Reik Attunement Payment Plan
Meditation Coaching
75$USTous les moisMaster Your Meditation Goals- Monthly Personalized Meditations Included
- Monthly Meditation Membership Included
3 Session Pack
220$USBuy all 3 Sessions together to SaveMonthly Payments Roots of the Priestess
36$USTous les moisMonthly Admittance to Roots of the PriestessValable 12 mois- Meetings Only, Classroom with 6 + months
Reiki All Year Long
35$USTous les moisMonthly Payment for Bi-Monthly TreatmentsValable 12 mois- 5 Reiki Healing Treatments
- 1 CCT(tm) Treatment, Chakra Alignment, or Detox Treatment
Pay it in 3 Reiki 1
108,33$USTous les moisPay equal amounts over a 3 month period.Valable 3 moisPay it in 3
111$USTous les moisValable 3 moisEnergetic Hygiene & Anatomy
185$USTous les moisPay equal amounts over a 3 month period.Valable 3 mois- The entire Course in 3 payments $370.33/month
Energetic Hygiene & Anatomy
44$USTous les moisPay equal amounts over a 12 month period.Valable 12 mois- The entire class paid for monthly $92.58/month
6 Session Pack
390$USBi-weekly Treatments for 3 months, $65/ea.Valable 3 moisVIP Reiki Treatments $65 each
130$USTous les moisPay Monthly $130/monthValable 3 mois- VIP Reiki Subscription
VIP Reiki Sessions $65 each
65$USToutes les 2 semainesPay per session $65/sessonValable 12 semaines- VIP Reiki Subscription
3 Session Pack
333$USExpand your energy healing with 5 private reiki sessions.Remote Balancing Monthly Treatments
111$USTous les moisMonthly Remote Balancing Treatments with Bare Roots EnergyValable 24 mois- Remote Balancing
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