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  • Reiki Healing Treatment

    Experience the healing power of Reiki with Bare Roots Energy’s Traditional Usui Reiki Treatment. Our 1-hour session is designed to relieve stress, heal the energetic and physical bodies, and release blockages. Our skilled practitioners focus on balancing and healing the Chakra system and Aura, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and balanced. Appointments are available both online and in person in Lawrence, Ks. Book your Reiki Healing Treatment today and start your journey towards a healthier, more balanced life. Replenish the body from head to toe with the calming and clarifying energies of Reiki. This treatment focuses on the balancing of the four energy bodies, providing you with a feeling of stress reduction and relaxation. Reiki treatments are a great option for physical healing, emotional healing, overcoming trauma, stress management, and diving into spiritual growth. Reiki healings are always personalized and can be conducted in person or over distances. During any Reiki session, clients have the option to sit in a chair or lie on the Reiki table to receive their treatment. Pillows for under the neck and knees are available, as are light blankets. One may feel sensations of heat, chills, goosebumps, energy movement, or skin pricks as the energy flows through and around the body. Everyone's Reiki experience is different, and many people report having a different experience each time they receive treatment. After receiving a Reiki treatment, stay hydrated, enjoy your clarity, and listen to your body to give it what it needs. Learn more about how Reiki can benefit you and your family in the FAQ section of the Blog.

  • Astral Color Reading

    Discover your Astral Color and open your world up to specific tools that vibrate with and strengthen your personal frequency. Learn which colors, foods, stones, and numbers your body most optimally resonates with, learn which of your chakra centers are working strongly and which need a boost, and learn how these things can be subtly incorporated into your daily life for fine-tuning your healing journey. Astral Color Readings are... * A simple and fun way to specify your daily habits and routines and further empower your current energetic and health routines. * Specific to each individual and provide information that shines light into all aspects of your life. * Great gifts for anyone who is seeking more insight into how energetics impact them and their lives. Astral Color Readings require an in-person initial reading or a photo of the person the reading is for. Once the reading is complete, you will receive your Personal Astral Color Report which includes... *A personal Mandala with your Astral Color printed on greeting cards. (Other options are available at a higher charge and can be discussed when the appointment is booked.) *Details about your color and how it can benefit your energy field. *Details about the specific foods in resonance with your Astral Color. *Details about the specific stones in resonance with your Astral Color. *Details about the specific numbers 1-19, which resonates the strongest with your personal frequency. *A chakra temperature check to identify which of your chakra centers are working efficiently and functioning at full strength, and those which would benefit from strengthening activities. *Extra traits can be added on and tested for at an additional fee of $15. Astral Color Reports are emailed out within 5 days of the initial testing. Please contact Jamelle at BRE with any questions or special requests! jam@barerootsenergy 785-532-9356

  • Lineage Line Testing

    The Lineage Line Testing can be done to determine which lineage line your lifetime has followed, identifying your resonating sacred traditions, past religious affiliations, your affiliations with specific guides and compassionate spirits, previous lifetime markers, planetary families, and Star Seed lineage line. This reading empowers the seeking mind who wishes to dive deeper into their Soul Origins, find answers to the big questions, and affirm answers that have come through clairvoyant channels. During your appointment, you will receive a confirmation through quantum measurement of your Star Seed Lineage Line, your home galaxy, planet, and/or star, along with specific information and information sources pertaining to your lineage line. In-person appointments include the reading with an emailed PDF of your lineage line information. Distance appointments require a 3-4 day waiting period as we exchange information via snail mail, in order to prepare the materials needed for the reading. Appointments can be tailored to individual questions and journeys as you need. If you have specific questions you would like to ask, please contact me before our appointment for a pre-appointment consult so that I can read all of the extra needed materials.

  • Energetic Hygiene & Anatomy

    Looking for a way to stay on the up and up? Becoming aware of and interacting with your energy body on a daily basis is the fastest route to complete and total health, healing, and creation! Welcome to the only energy anatomy course you'll ever need where you will learn how to go within to find your personal energetic formula. Energetic Hygiene and Anatomy is a year-long course, meeting bi-weekly for one hour to unfold our energy system into our conscious awareness and begin using it to create health, sustenance, self-empowerment, and creation pathways in our lives. Follow along with us throughout the year as we traverse the teaching of the globe, stay up on the most recent research in the fields of energy healing and physics, and learn how it can be incorporated into your life with ease for transformational results. Energetic Hygiene & Anatomy is a deep dive into the energy body including the specifics of what it looks like, its components, how it functions, how to clean it, and how to keep it healthy. Journey through historical accounts of how our ancestors used their energetic awareness to shape their world, and how we can now continue to do the same in the age of enlightenment and technology. During this course, you will learn the Daily Chakra Infusion and how to incorporate it into your life to use a daily energy cleanser, as well as the Source Light Protocol in order to learn how to use your energetic system to its full potential in all of your creation processes. This class will also teach you how to utilize your own frequency for tangible applications in your life, and how to tap into your higher knowledge for clear guidance and decision-making. This course meets bi-weekly and can be joined for the entire year, or at any point of the year on non-protocol days. Protocol class days are reserved for year-long students. Payment plans are available, and if you don't see one that works for you call me! I can set up individualized payment plans for anyone wishing to explore their energetic selves! You may purchase this course on this page or through the Energetic Hygiene & Anatomy Course. Once enrolled you receive contact about the course and course dates within 48 hours, and gain access to the online Energetic Hygiene and Anatomy course as well. Questions? Call, email or text Jamelle at 785-532-9356

  • Source Light Infusion

    Source Light Infusions employ the Source Light Protocol to infuse the entire body with the deep, potent healing of the Soul's original Source of life and spark. By engaging the hidden and ancient energies that created and continue to sustain our forms and life all around us, we become informed. This healing treatment produces a deep connection with your inner workings and patterns that have been with you both since birth, as well as those that have been a part of you for all time, across all dimensions. By igniting your Soul's light and sourcing your energy directly from that light, you become informed of what your body, heart, mind, and life need to thrive. Source Light Infusions are an essential ingredient to awakening to your full truth and potential They awaken within you the essence of your Full and True Self, opening doorways of determination and motivation for you to move more smoothly through your inner work, and step towards your targets of manifestation. Source Light Infusions produce gentle shifts, making it easier to handle rough times, make needed changes, and get the hard work done, whether that work is of a physical, mental, or emotional nature. Treatments last for 45 minutes to one hour. During any healing session, clients have the option to sit in a chair or lie on the Healing table to receive their treatment. Pillows for under the neck and knees are available, as are light blankets. One may feel sensations of heat, chills, goosebumps, energy movement, or skin pricks as the energy flows through and around the body. Everyone's experience is different, and many people report having a different experience each time they receive treatment. After receiving a healing treatment, stay hydrated, enjoy your clarity, and listen to your body to give it what it needs. Following Source Light Infusion, you may feel a deep need to visit with your Soul. I encourage you to dive deep! Journal, meditate, or simply just sit and think of who and/or what your Soul is to you, and see where that thought leads! For information on how to incorporate Source Light Infusions into your Daily Life, check out Quantum Healing for Daily Use and Source Light School!

  • Home Balancing & Clearing

    The Home Balancing & Clearing treatment can be applied to any space to correct harmful energetic interference originating from a variety of sources. During this healing, your space will experience a balancing through wave modification and then receive a light infusion. Clear and balance your spaces through the application of science-based methods and the use of wave modification within your home, your office, or your property as a whole. By making use of long-lost energy-balancing techniques that the planet naturally incorporates within its own growth processes, we too can bring power energy balancing to our lives through simple additions and adjustments to the spaces in which we dwell. The Home Balancing & Clearing can be used to balance your yard and improve growth, it can be applied to farmland for the benefit of crops and livestock, to your entire house for the benefit of your family, or to a single room to help your sleep improve. Prices vary for your needs. Please call, email, or text to discuss your needs before purchasing a package that may be too big or too small for you. Each package has a starting price for the first hour of work. Each subsequent hour is $65 in addition to the base price for each package. Package Options Home and Space Balancing: for home, public spaces, offices, and more Home Grid Line Balancing: for balancing the toxic energy grid lines that run the home Property balancing: for balancing toxic grid lines and other imbalances that run through an entire property. For questions and details on how this treatment can help clear your space of dead orgone energies entities attachments toxic energetic grid lines geopathic imbalances imprinted energies, memories, and histories and more... email Jamelle at

  • Root Readings

    Root Healings are a gentle way to rebalance the body by activating its original light codes, housed within the body's center. Root Healings can pinpoint which specific parts of the body require rebalancing and provide a direct energetic remedy, balancing the ailment and healing the body from its impact in the process. They are also a gentle way to find the body's imbalance and can be carried out in the comfort of your own home. Initially, a reading is done in person, online, or with a photo image of yourself. Once the reading is done you will be provided with up to 4 Light Code images for your personal use in healing. Once the images are prepared, they along with instructions will be delivered to you. Root Healings uses the process of qualitative data, structure, and application to facilitate the healing process. Healings can be done in person or online, and include consultation time before treatment begins.

  • Q.H. Daily Chakra Infusion Instruction

    Quantum Healing for Daily Use is a system of daily energy center clearing that can provide your life with a renewed sense of clarity, focus, and creation. Quantum Healing for Daily Use incorporates, much like the healings, guided planning, tonal integration, visualization, and purposeful intention work, to create a daily meditative routine that will clear and begin to activate your energy body in a way that it has not lived before. Learn this routine for your own daily use!  This will be the only daily energetic cleanser you need! The Quantum Healings are a great way to take back control and manage your day-to-day. It can seem impossible to balance everything that is on our plates at times. By utilizing this energetic technique on a daily basis, you can change the trajectory of your stress, anxiety, depression, ADD/HD, and begin to heal your trauma naturally. Once you have incorporated this routine into your daily schedule, things begin to gently shift, fall better into place, and begin to stabilize in a way that supports your well-being. Daily use of this technique can provide your major energy centers with a deep and structured cleanse and begin to activate dormant centers in your field that will begin to change your life dramatically. The Quantum Healing for Daily Use ads the Source Light Protocol to the Daily Chakra Infusion provides instruction on intention setting and a deeper understanding of Energy Anatomy, a guided meditation, and a card deck transcript with your daily protocol. Quantum Healing Sessions are available with and without coaching. Scheduling is flexible and contract-free. Quantum Healing Daily Protocol for Self-Use: $333 Treatment Only: $95 Additional Coaching: $30 after a year of purchase Handmade Infused Card Deck: $45 Learn More at Terms, Conditions, and Privacy Policy

  • The Shamanic Journey

    A reorganization of the soul and the pieces of the universe we are attached to occurs during any meditation and journey from which we experience growth. It is a taking apart of the old to put the pieces back together and create something new, a new knowing within the Self. A gentle and guided expedition will take to your spaces and faces that have been waiting to meet and guide you to your, truth, lineage, healing, and answers. The Shaman's Journey is a benevolent deep guided meditation in a one-to-one setting with your practitioner, who sits with you during your travels, guiding you without imposition, in a safe space, as you are free to explore and speak your way through your journey. Notes and recordings can be taken on your behalf. My role as your guide is to facilitate your experience for your highest good and goal. Journey sessions are one hour each. Session one includes teachings of the Journey, as you begin to form within your awareness, where you will be going and who you will be seeing. You will learn about the different realms you will access, and how you will access them, and then take your first journey. Sessions are available online or in person in my Lawrence, Ks studio. Read more about the Shamanic Journey on it page:

  • Daily Chakra Infusion by B.R.E.©️

    Daily meditation and/or healing rituals open the door for continual healing and growth. They keep the energy body consistently clear and help it to sustain a higher frequency. The practice of meditation serves as the glue that binds all other modalities of healing into a powerhouse of effective treatment and mindset change, and adding the elements of intention and energy healing makes that impact life-changing. Just as you strengthen the brain with meditation, you can also strengthen your energy body to hold a certain vibration throughout your day without much effort on your part. This is the benefit of the Daily Chakra Infusion. The Daily Chakra Infusion can be done as a healing treatment in-studio or online, or it can be learned for personal daily use through a couple of coaching sessions.  The Daily Chakra Infusion is a set of mantras tailored to your needs based on life changes, affirmations, manifestations, traditional practices, or even health needs. This is a great practice for individuals who are busy all day, every day, and who are seeking an energetic shield to support their intuitive nature, chronic fatigue, and healing processes. This routine, when done consistently and daily, can clear you out at a pace that makes the healing last, and builds on all other healing tools you are employing throughout your journey. It can serve you whether you need a meditation starter kit or a deeper meditation to strengthen your practice. It can be tailored for your morning or bedtime routines, built into a dinner-time prayer, or woven into your life in any fashion you can dream up. Once purchased, a consultation with you will be the first step to getting details about the areas in which you want to focus, what your daily routines look like, and where we can squeeze your Chakra practice in without disrupting your schedule. When complete, a personalized meditation is created and sent. Once you have worked with your meditation for a few days consistently, we will reconvene to see if the mantras need to be adjusted before your card deck is created for you and shipped out!  I will keep your meditation records on file for reference so that we can work together to change them during your growth process.  $190: Learn the treatment for yourself in person or online, 1 Transcript Deck, 1 extra Coaching Session, Basic Energy Anatomy  $95: Treatment only, available in studio or online  $30: Additional coaching sessions  $35: Handmade Card Decks 

  • Root Healings

    The Root Readings use our personal wavelengths to find strengths and weaknesses in the body and then align this information with the appropriate light codes needed for rebalancing. Internal light codes hold the energetic information of balanced and whole systems within the human body. Through the integration of these light codes into our energy field, we can easily adjust our frequencies and thus begin to adjust our physical health. We can integrate light codes into our lives and into our fields in a variety of methods. This healing tool provides you with images of light codes along with instructions for the integration and healing process. This healing provides an initial consultation to review what to expect and the current concerns which you are seeking healing for. During treatments, the reading is completed and the specific energies are integrated into your energy field for balancing and total healing. If ailments are prolonged and chronic, more than one treatment may be needed to balance the issue. Please ask about pricing packages to make your treatment affordable for you. This healing is completed in a one to two-hour time period, which includes the consultation, the reading, and the document processing. The entire process can take place online in person, or a combination of both.

  • Try it for $20 Healing Treatment

    If you are new to energy healing, this is the spot for you! Try out any healing treatment offered in the regular service menu for a 20-minute treatment. Become familiar with how energy healing interacts with your body and makes you feel to see if this healing modality is right for you. In-person and online appointments available. Have questions? I'm always here! Call, text, or email Jamelle at: 785-532-9356 Learn more about how Reiki can benefit you and your family in the FAQ section of the Blog.

  • Healing CCT™️ Treatment

    The Crystalline Consciousness Technique (CCT™) is a New Earth technology that works with the Crystalline grid, which surrounds all Earthly particles. By using its relationship with water, the CCT™ system uses the tools of sacred geometry to transform the patterns of reality for healing on multiple levels. The CCT™ accesses the water in the atmosphere, the atomic structures of organic materials, and within the body's connective tissues, to communicate with the rest of the Universes as a mirror of all that we are and all that we intend. When you put a well thought out intention into the crystalline grid, it shines that vision out to the universe like a spotlight, beginning the magnetic proceedings of telling the universe all that you need in order to fulfill that intention. Through this direct connection, healings are more intentional, faster resolving, definite, and gentle.  Being connected with our intentions to the Crystalline Grid both eases the adaptation process and gives us an alternate energy source to feed our minds, body, and soul's life force. The connection wakes our soul as if through an electrical reemergence and awareness, working beyond the weakening EMF to tell all of the energies in the Universe exactly what we need to rebalance and adjust. By using sacred geometry to communicate our needs for balance and alignment, blockages are adjusted with more ease and in right timing.  Energy healings through the CCT™ glean their effectiveness from the ability to create a healing chamber with Sacred Geometry that protects the healing session and your intention from incoming and wavering EMF frequencies. These frequencies can bombard your energy field, leaving you drained and unfocused. However, when you set an intention in a protected chamber, it is easier to attract the circumstances that are required for you to realize your intention. The CCT™ first clears and then bypasses that old system to provide true transformation. A healing treatment at this caliber is like cleaning the pipes, and then treating them so that they can no longer collect the muck that blocks the energy flow between you, your intention and the Universe which provides the tools for that intention to be so. To find out more about the different types of CCT™ Treatments available, please visit the Crystalline Consciousness Technique Page of this website. To learn more about the CCT™ and its foundation, please visit:

  • CCT™️ Chart Treatment

    Being connected with our intentions to the Crystalline Grid both eases the adaptation process and gives us an alternate energy source to feed our minds, body, and soul's life force. The connection wakes our soul as if through an electrical reemergence and awareness, working beyond the weakening EMF to tell all of the energies in the Universe exactly what we need to rebalance and adjust. By using sacred geometry to communicate our needs for balance and alignment, blockages are adjusted with more ease and in right timing.  CCT™ Healing for Businesses Business packages are available to connect your business as an entity to the Crystalline grid system and align business components to the New Earth Energies. Working through the Crystalline grid for your business can amplify success, ease planning and transitional phases, get all individuals on the same page, transform work mindset and energetic environments, or even transform systems of administration and organization with ease and grace. With a CCT™ treatment for your business, you have access to the guarantee that your business is aligned in its core purpose and functions as such. CCT™ Charting CCT™ Charting can be used both for the individual, having the same effects as the Energetic treatment, and also for elements beyond the individual. When we are seeking to change our circumstances, our view points, heal from a harmful mindset, or clear ourselves of unwanted patterns, the CCT™ Charting process is a perfect venue to bring about real transformation gently and effortlessly. Ideal healing options for chart work include but are not limited to: Transform a relationship at its core principles and in the best interest of both involved.  Uncover relationship phases. Transform patterns within a relationship Transform communication within a relationship Bringing yourself or a relationship into transitional mastery Synchronize timing for yourself or a relationship Release negative Karma Relieve conflict between two individuals, a group or between groups Discovery Chart to uncover reasons, causes, and next steps Heal Ancestral Groups Transforming patterns to Aquarian Groups Ease through big changes/transformations Clearing spaces of dead orgone energies, and more To find out more about the different types of CCT™ Treatments available, please visit the Crystalline Consciousness Technique Page of this website. To learn more about the CCT™ and its foundation, please visit:

  • Chakra Infusion

    Quantum Healing Treatments infuse the energy centers to produce real results and deeper and quicker healing. These treatments activate dormant energy centers and fields around the body, and enlighten the seven majors. With all of your channels open, your body opens up to complete synchronicity as it experiences absolute energetic hygiene. Quantum Healing Treatments are 60-minute sessions that incorporate sacred geometry, guided planning and intention work, and visualization into your energy healing treatment. This is a great treatment for those who are seeking a reset, making a big change, or are struggling to kick a stubborn illness or habit, as well as those who seek a solid foundation for their own energetic health. Terms, Conditions, and Privacy Policy

  • Crystal Infused Reiki Treatment

    Crystal Infused Reiki treatments make use of raw stones to hold the energy charge that is being given during the treatment. Crystals carry different frequencies, allowing them to hold different attributes for our intentions. The use of crystals and other raw gemstones along with Reiki enhances the longevity, effectiveness and potency of the treatment. When a Crystal Infused Reiki treatment is created, either a crystal grid is made of particular stones for the client. The healing energy is channeled into the stones to charge and accompany the Reiki treatment. Once this is done, the treatment is given to the client as is in a typical Reiki Healing Treatment. For distance clients, once created and charged, a photo of the grid is sent. During any Reiki session clients have the option to sit in a chair or lay on the Reiki table (to receive their treatment. Pillows for under the neck and knees are available, as are light blankets. One may feel sensations of heat, chills, goosebumps, energy movement, or skin pricks, as the energy flows through and around the body. Everyone's Reiki experience is different, and many people report having a different experience each time they receive another treatment as well. After receiving a Reiki treatment, most individuals report a feeling of calmness, stillness, and clarity. Once your appointment is over, please stay hydrated and rest as needed. As always, it is helpful for me as a practitioner to hear how your experience went for you, and appreciate your feedback. In-Person and Online Appointments are Available.

  • New Earth Reiki™️ Healing Treatment

    An extension of the CCT™️ treatment, New Earth Reiki™️ supplies you with Reiki inside of the Crystalline Grid which surrounds our Electromagnetic Field, preparing your physical and energetic bodies for a longer lasting, deeper penetrating healing experience. Reiki within the Crystalline Grid moves beyond your EMF and into your field of connection with the Universe. By delivering Reiki in this way, intentions for healing are anchored in more clearly and tap into the law of attraction. During any Energy Healing session clients have the option to sit in a chair or lay on the Reiki table (to receive their treatment. Pillows for under the neck and knees are available, as are light blankets. One may feel sensations of heat, chills, goosebumps, energy movement, or skin pricks, as the energy flows through and around the body. Everyone's Reiki experience is different, and many people report having a different experience each time they receive another treatment as well. After receiving an Energy treatment, most individuals report a feeling of calmness, stillness, and clarity. Some individuals may feel a bit sleepy or light headed afterward, others have left with a sense of heightened joy or motivation. Once your appointment is over, please stay hydrated and rest as needed. It is recommended to have water with you for after the treatment to help your body settle back into awake. As always, it is helpful for me as a practitioner to hear how your experience went for you, and appreciate your feedback. In Person and Online Appointments Available. New Earth Reiki was channeled and piloted by Gia Combs-Ramirez. You can learn more about her and the Crystalline Consciousness Technique here: or Terms, Conditions, and Privacy Policy

  • Reiki I Course and Attuenement

    Being attuned to Reiki I enables one to use the power and energy of Reiki to self-heal. Along with other positive daily habits, using Reiki on yourself to clear old wounds, emotional and physical, can help your healing process go further. The Reiki I attunement comes as an educational course that teaches you about the history of Reiki and how Reiki works. The course takes place online or in person, and meets for a few hours over a 2 day period. Scheduling is flexible! You can join a class online, participate in person, or complete the course on your own with personal zoom meetings between you, and me, your instructor. The Reiki I course is $325 with a course manual included.  Energy Anatomy The History of Reiki The Basics of Reiki Self Reiki Healing Protocol The First Reiki Symbol Reiki Lineage Reiki Healing Hand Positions A Chakra Cleansing Meditation Meditation Education Become attuned to the Reiki energies and the first Reiki symbol Earn a Certification for Usui Reiki Ryoho Level 1 Learning the Reiki Healing Practice at level 1 allows you the instantaneous ability to begin the healing process for yourself. With this course you will be able to treat yourself for both physical, emotional, and spiritual ailment.  If you are interested in starting your journey in the Reiki Healing Arts, please contact me for information on class dates and times. This course is available in person in Lawrence, Ks, as well as online.

  • Quantum Reiki

    The balanced combination of traditional Reiki healing and the ancient secrets of Sacred Geometry have come together to provide a beautiful healing experience. Experience your Reiki Session like never before as we continue to work through intention and ignite the patterns of life's creation to heal the physical body and energetic templates. Quantum Reiki Treatments fuse the Source Light Protocol with traditional Reiki healing and the ancient secrets of sacred geometry for healing, alignment, and growth. This treatment is a one-hour long treatment conducted in-studio or online. By infusing our lives with the Source energy and talents of our infinite selves, we strengthen and empower our energy field and shine into our daily lives with full control and freedom. This is more than an energy treatment. It is a healing that can begin to transform your outcomes, balance the energy body more quickly, and infuse the whole self with the light of the Divine Source.  In these sessions, we will discuss the goals and healing you seek, activate dormant energy centers and channels, charge and store energy safely in your field for prolonged healing, and infuse your energy body with your intentions in order to turbo-charge your healing. Quantum Reiki Treatments are 60-minute sessions that incorporate traditional Reiki healing, sacred geometry, guided planning and intention work, visualization into your energy healing treatment. This is a great treatment for those who are seeking a reset, making a big change, or are struggling to kick a stubborn illness or habit, as well as those who seek a solid foundation for their own energetic health. Terms, Conditions, and Privacy Policy

  • Reiki II Course and Attuenement

    Being attuned to Reiki II enables one to use the power and energy of Reiki to heals others in a personal or professional capacity. The Reiki II attunement comes as an educational course that covers energy anatomy in deeper detail than in course I, human anatomy, methods of treatment, the three main symbols as taught by Dr. Usui, and useful information on opening your own Reiki business. The course takes place online or in person, and meets for a few hours over a 2-3 day period. Scheduling is flexible! You can join a class online, participate in person, or complete the course on your own with personal zoom meetings between you, and me, your instructor. The Reiki II course is $375 and comes with a $50 voucher for the Reiki III course. This course can be attended in person or online, with a course manual included.  Energy Anatomy Reiki Fundamentals Treatment Variations Healing Protocol The Three Reiki Symbols Hayashi Reiki Healing Guide Reiki Healing Hand Positions Business Sense Earn a Certification for Usui Reiki Ryoho Level II

  • White Dragon Reiki Attunement

    The White Dragon Reiki Attunement activates the knowledge of the White Dragon energies in your DNA and connects you with the ancient Spirit of the Dragons. This attunement will allow you to channel the White Dragon's energies of cleansing, purity, truth, honor, banishment, and protection. White Dragon Reiki is especially useful in relieving symptoms of depression, breaking up blockages or illnesses that are stubborn, and clearing attachments from spaces. The attunement process is gentle and easy and can take as little as 30 minutes to complete. This course is completed via distance attunement as well as in person. To take this course in person, contact me, Jamelle, after completing your purchase. Contact: Jamelle at Bare Roots Energy

  • Bi-Weekly Online Reiki Clinic

    Join me on Facebook Live every other Thursday night at 8:30 Central Standard Time, for a 30-minute, Free mini healing. Healings are specified to include your own intentions and to deliver the energy therapy of Reiki to you throughout the remainder of your current day and into your next. For up to date information and announcements on this Free Healing Service, Join the Facebook group: Bare Roots Energy Reiki Clinic Live video begins around 8:20. Once you are logged in to the event, say hi in the comments so I can get your name on the healing list. Once the healing starts, sit back, relax, and be ready to receive. Bring your intentions with you! Whatever you are working on, need healing for, or want to bring into your life, write it down or speak it to yourself or outlaid during the healing treatment. During the healing, you will have the opportunity to declare your intention to the universe and make is so through the energetic healing of Reiki! This group meets bi-weekly and is free to attend! Donations are welcome, and love offerings of $10 are much appreciated

  • Animal Reiki Treatment

    A CCT™ treatment could be exactly what your fur babies need! A healing with the Crystalline Consciousness Technique protocol can help treat anxiety, PTSD, chronic illness, end of life transitions, and more. The CCT™ treatment allows us to connect to our animals easier and more effectively, as well as connect them to the Crystalline Grid network that communicates directly with the Universal Energies. The helps us to gain insight into their perspective and learn how to live and work harmoniously with our pets and our herds. This treatment works wonders for animals who are being introduced into a new home, animals who are getting a new family member, animals with joint pain, animals who regularly work with people, those who are skittish, and those who need to be loaded into trailers. This treatment also delivers quicker and more permanent results than other energy healing methods, taking fewer treatments to get results. Services are typically rendered at the animal's location. Ask about a continuous service package for long-term care options. Due to the nature of animals, they may not lay quietly on a bed to receive a healing treatment, therefore treatments may last for a shorter period, requiring another visit or treatment. Appointments with animals typically last 20-30 minutes, and are most beneficial when repeated once or twice. Appointments that are cut short at less than 20 minutes are eligible for a free follow-up treatment at no cost to the customer. Contact Bare Roots for a free consultation at For more information on the CCT™ system, check out or

  • Animal CCT™️ Treatment

    A CCT™ treatment could be exactly what your fur babies need! A healing with the Crystalline Consciousness Technique protocol can help treat anxiety, PTSD, chronic illness, end of life transitions, and more. The CCT™ treatment allows us to connect to our animals easier and more effectively, as well as connect them to the Crystalline Grid network that communicates directly with the Universal Energies. The helps us to gain insight into their perspective and learn how to live and work harmoniously with our pets and our herds. This treatment works wonders for animals who are being introduced into a new home, animals who are getting a new family member, animals with joint pain, animals who regularly work with people, those who are skittish, and those who need to be loaded into trailers. This treatment also delivers quicker and more permanent results than other energy healing methods, taking fewer treatments to get results. Services are typically rendered at the animal's location. Ask about a continuous service package for long-term care options. Due to the nature of animals, they may not lay quietly on a bed to receive a healing treatment, therefore treatments may last for a shorter period, requiring another visit or treatment. Appointments with animals typically last 20-30 minutes, and are most beneficial when repeated once or twice. Appointments that are cut short at less than 20 minutes are eligible for a free follow-up treatment at no cost to the customer. Contact Bare Roots for a free consultation at For more information on the CCT™ system, check out or

  • Core Essence Readings & Healings

    The Simple Core Essence Reading is a reading of your individual role within your group, a reading of your Core Essence structure, and how the two interact with each other and play out in your current life. This reading includes… A face-to-face meeting for the reading to take place The discovery of your individual role within your group The discovery of your Core Essence structure An informative take-home cards for reflection and action. $25 _____ The Core Essence Reading and Healing can be completed for an individual or a group, and includes… A reading of your individual role and personal group structure 
 A reading of your Core Essence structure A healing chart through the CCT(tm) to align you with your Core Essence easily, gently, and absolutely.  An energy healing through the CCT(tm) administered to you individually Informative take-home cards for reflection and action. $100 *This healing can also be done for a group, such as your family group or your workgroup. _____ The Full Core Essence Reading and Healing is a healing for your familial group or the group that you most directly work within and influence, bringing the group as a whole into the New Earth energies of fairness, balance, and contribution and in alignment with each other and the planet. The full Core Essence Reading and Healing includes… A reading of your individual role and personal group structure 
 A reading of your Core Essence structure A healing chart through the CCT(tm) to align you with your Core Essence easily, gently, and absolutely.  A second CCT(TM) chart healing, which is administered on a second day of treatment, to bring your group into the New Earth Energies easily, gently, and absolutely. Two energy healings through the CCT(tm) administered to you individually An informative take-home cards for reflection and action. $200 _____ The Core Essence Reading and Healings pair nicely with the Life Path Reading which informs you of your current strengths, past skills, and future roles according to your astrological birth chart,  and the Ancestral Healing Chart, which clears karma and patterns from your lineage through the previous seven generations.   To book online or in person, select Book Now below, or call or text Jamelle at 785-532-9356

  • Alchemical Trails Life Pattern Reading

    The traditional ways of viewing our lives along a two-dimensional timeline have played their purpose for timekeeping, historical tracking, and referencing global events. However, when viewing one's individual life cycle in a circular term, the gates of magic on Earth are opened! Have you ever wondered what the future has to hold for you? A life pattern reading is the analysis of your life events in 3-year increments. This reading can help to connect the dots of the past with habits and healing for the present and the future, as well as help to map out essential timelines and future event spaces. This service can take place over email, phone, or in person. This deeper life path reading requires us to discuss and map your major life events and your future goals. Clients have the choice of a phone or zoom conference before and after the readings. Once paid for, you will receive contact from me within 48 hours to review your order.  View these services in the Alchemical Trails for easier ordering.

  • Sacred Rhythms

    Sacred Rhythms is a practice in self-care and awakening handed down from a lineage of women that serve to remind us of our Sacred belonging here on this Earth. A gateway into Priestess-hood, Sacred Rhythms tailors its beauty and health information to the female body, teaching self-healing practices to support and nurture the balance of your energetic body and your Divine Feminine and Masculine in the safe container of our close-knit circle. Each month we meet at or near the New Moon to cleanse our energy bodies and empty our sacred vessels to enhance our personal evolution and move into the life we choose and create. By engaging in the activities presented in the group, you provide your body, heart, mind, and soul with a pathway of freedom from what has plagued you, whether it be stagnation, unhealthy relationships, unhealthy habits, a longing for a new direction, a longing to join a group of like-minded-women on a healing path, or even a simple curiosity of something new.  Learn more about this course: Join the experience to learn about  How to become and stay in alignment with the cycles of the planet  ancient plant-based medicine practices  the impacts of our astrological gates  ancient and gentle remedies for women’s wellness  deities and archetypes that have taught us about our sacred female bodies and Spiritual undertakings for thousands of years New aged and current Priestess that bless us with invaluable contemporary knowledge and perspectives of how to keep the female  body whole and healthy  Sacred Rhythms is a 12-month course that meets monthly in yearly cycles.  If you have missed the January sign-up date, and would still like to join, please contact me at so that I can pro-rate your fee! Classes will be recorded and sent to students, so no worries if you miss now and again!  To have access to the course content online, sign up for the whole year!  Class dates are available at

  • Personalized Guided Meditation

    Meditation is a gentle pathway to calm, cool, and collected when practiced consistently by helping to slow the mind and calm the nervous system. However, when we are in the midst of a crisis, things can get turned upside down and leave us scrambling for tools to get rebalanced. Medication can provide this relief on a daily basis as well as during times of great loss, stress, transition, growth, and need. Meditation can be tailored to one's acute needs and tight schedules in such a way that without much effort, noticeable changes can be experienced, giving us the power, energy, and insight to face obstacles. The Personalized Incidental Meditation is a written and recorded meditation designed specifically for your needs such as sudden loss or change, life transitions, impactful news, an overload of stress, or a reoccurring ailment that you would like to come to terms with and begin to heal on the energetic level. Daily affirmations can be essential to your meditation success and are incorporated into your meditation routine during our visits. A consultation is the first step to getting the details about what you would like the meditation to focus on. When complete, a written copy will be emailed or mailed to you along with a recording of the meditation, which will be sent electronically and uploaded to the Meditation Classroom for your personal access, at Following your purchase, we will meet one time online or in the studio for a meditation session to experience your personalized meditation in real time. Once paid for, you will receive contact from me within 48 hours to review your order. An initial consultation will be scheduled before a personalized meditation is built and sent. Please contact Jamelle with any questions:

  • Living Your Life Through Intention

    Living Your Life Through Intention is a course of guided motivation to inspire and teach the skills needed for living a more intentional and peaceful daily life. This course includes practical application and steps to put into action the practices needed for living intentionally every moment of every day. The course can be self-paced and completed independently, or you can join the online group course as it is scheduled to be a part of a cooperative circle for your journey. Check out the published version of Living Your Life Through Intention on Amazon for a more in-depth version of the online course. Contact Jamelle at Bare Roots Energy with any course questions:

  • The Alchemical Trails Life Path Reading

    The traditional ways of viewing our lives along a two-dimensional timeline have played their purpose for timekeeping, historical tracking, and referencing global events. However, when viewing one's individual life cycle in a circular term, the gates of magic on Earth are opened! Have you ever wondered what the future has to hold for you? The Life Path Reading is the analysis of your Birth Chart. It is an Astrological reading that uses your Birth time and place to take a deeper look into your purpose and trajectory that covers past, present, and future event alignments. Upon ordering, I will email you to begin scheduling our meeting(s). The Life Path Reading is printed after completion and mailed to you so that you can take notes during our closing meeting. Life Path Readings chart the information from your natal birth chart into a system of planetary alignment to help you navigate through your future & past influences, your future & past purposes, your Feminine & Masculine influences, and more. By aligning the positions of the astrological houses at your time of birth with a system of Reading developed by Lisa Michaels, you can then being to align your plans, goals, and intentions with your divine purpose and glean more synchronicity and joy out of life. Every celestial body aligns with each of us differently, impacting the courses we take as we walk our paths in life. Not only do these influences shape who we are at birth, but they also shape us as we grow and will continue to do so as long as we live. Knowing the significance of our influencing planetary alignments can give us the secret weapon needed when making decisions, planning ahead, and dealing with life's changes and challenges. Through the Life Path Reading, you will get insight into your duty during this incarnation and come into a deep understanding of the experiences you have come from. Dive in to learn your secrets and turn them into your own superpower! Clients have the choice of a phone or zoom conference before and after the readings. Once paid for, you will receive contact from me within 48 hours to review your order.  View these services in the Alchemical Trails for easier ordering.

  • Dream Interpretation

    Sometimes dreams easily point us in the right direction, connect us to what was lost, and giving us answers to questions that we forgot we've asked. Have you ever had a reoccurring dream that haunted you, or woken up with sleep paralysis? Have you flown in your dreams, or walked through the endless halls of an enormous house? Why do we listen to our dreams, or keep thinking about them after we wake? I doubt you would be reading this if you hadn't asked yourself the same type of questions. Dream interpretation is one of the oldest ceremonial practices in the world, with records of its existence dating up to 3,000 years ago in Sumeria. It has played a hand in aiding kings with decisions and launched an entire psychiatric field of the study during the 1900s. Interpreting dreams is an entirely natural occurrence for all of us, as interpretation is simply another way of describing the processes of educated contemplation, learning, and understanding. Our ancestors have left us the gifts of keys and explanations for reasoning with our subconscious minds as the body sleeps. In a world of having answers thrown at you, I invite you to explore your midnight symbols to see what they may uncover for you.  Dream interpretation begins with a phone call or email to describe the dream and any personal life details that may or may not relate to the dream. After the interpretation you will then receive an email with a detailed explanation. Once the interpretation is complete you will be given the opportunity to set up a post-reading call to discuss the symbols and their relevance to your waking life. I do not rush my interpretations and put a lot of research into them if they are very complex, so I like to give myself up to 72 hours for completion of the process.  Once paid for, you will receive contact from me within 1-2 business days to review your dream. Write down your details so you don't forget!

  • Plant-Based Medicine Consultation

    Plant-based medicine is a natural alternative to traditional Western medications; however, navigating the world of herbal remedies is daunting. It can also be worrisome because most herbs are not FDA-approved, and the herbal industry is not regulated by FDA guidelines. Due to this, it's helpful to have an herbal consultant in your pocket! Plant-based medicine consultations include a meeting to review which herbs and medications you currently take, along with ailments that you wish to remedy. Following our first meeting, a report describing your list of herbs and medications will be emailed or mailed to you, according to your preference. Meetings can take place in person, over the phone, or online. Each report includes a description of the benefits, side effects, and pharmaceutical interaction of each herb. Herbs that are best suited to treat your current ailments will be listed and described as well. Consultations include a review of your current medications and herbs you consume and/or wish to consume, the interactions between them, and recommendations on the herbs that best support your health along with your current medical regime. Once ideal herbs for you and your goals are identified, recommendations are typed into a report for you and provided to you along with a jar of tea containing either the herbs recommended to you or the herbs of your own choosing. Simple consultations are for most people, including individuals who take up to 6 routine maintenance medications. In-depth consultations are for individuals who have a heavier medical regime and long-term illnesses they are managing. If you're not sure which appointment to book, start with a simple consultation, and your service can be amended as needed, once our work together begins. Bare Roots Energy is not a doctor, nor are any staff members of the organization, and does not offer medical advice about your current medications. The purpose of the plant-based medicine consultation is to understand the interactions between herbs and any current medications you are taking, and the herbs that will support your health goals. Please note that this service is not provided by a doctor or a medical team or in conjunction with a medical team. Advice given in each Plant-Based Medicine report is not a replacement for medicine or medical care. Please consult with your doctor before changing a medical routine or regime and before starting new herbal remedies.

  • Birth Chart

    Ordering your birth chart is easy. Just provide me with your name and the date, time, and location of your birth. Once your chart is done, I will print it in color and mail it via USPS the next day! Bare Roots Energy does not use your information in any illegal or illusive ways. Once you have provided me your information, I plug it into my birth chart system, and delete the information. Email or call Jamelle at 785-532-9356 for questions.

  • Personalized Group Meditation

    Group meditation can be a catalyst to inspire personal meditation and self-growth, creating and strengthening bonds, creating a more productive workspace, and support therapy settings. Having first-hand experience with how meditative practices can impact students in the classroom and in my own daily life has given me clear respect for the power of the practice. When meditating with others, not only are you feeding positive bio-feedback to those around you, but you are receiving it as well. Group meditation can be a powerful practice for community building, focus group work, or a pathway into collective problem-solving.  Group meditations can be created for any type of group or situation and for any audience, including children, adults, classrooms, Sunday schools, nursing homes, hospices, social groups, family gatherings, and more. Pricing will vary, depending on the number of meditations requested per order, with the initial order being $50. Once paid for, you will receive contact from me within 48 hours to review your order. Following your purchase, you have access to a second free consultation with me as needed. This purchase includes one written, personalized meditation, a consultation, a recording of your meditation, and a written transcript.

  • Guided Meditation Session & Coaching

    Learn how to meditate effectively and manifest at your own pace. It's hard to sit down each day and center yourself in a busy world full of demands. Have you ever wondered how to start? That alone is telling you that it's time to start your journey! Join me on the path to meditative success that will lead you to a more balanced life, making you more available for conscious and deliberate manifestation.  Guided Meditation Sessions are a time for you to enter into a place of self-care and well-being with a meditation coach that gets to know you and your needs. Sessions last between 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on client needs and preferences. Clients are first welcomed into the meditation space and given an opportunity to discuss their needs and goals.  Meetings are available in person or online via Zoom. Ask about Bundled pricing! Each 30-minute appointment is $30.00, with savings as you buy more. 

  • Clearing your Cord of Expectations

    This is the purchase of the live, in-person ceremony. Clearing your Cord of Expectation releases specific expectations that you have placed upon yourself, others, and your world. It is a deep dive into your origins and provides relief from bad habits, moodiness, poor attitude, patterns of judgment, misconceptions, and disappointment. Clearing your Cord of Expectations is a releasing ceremony designed for a gentle and deep healing journey, and can provide relief from Expectations that you have placed on yourself or the world around you, Bad Habits, Assumptions, False Beliefs, Past Life Entanglements, Causes for Social Anxieties, Roots of Depression, and Ancestral Patternings The treatment includes Reiki healing, Journal Work, and Guided Meditation. Sessions are scheduled for an hour and a half but may last up to two hours. Clients are asked to bring water and a small, personal snack for after the ceremony for grounding. Treatments can be conducted online or in person in our Lawrence, Ks location, as well as online. If you are interested in completing this ceremony as a short online, self-paced course, you may purchase the online course at

  • Ceremony Services

    Ceremony services are available for any occasion and any group size. Service range from non-denominational weddings to celebratory gatherings for Spiritual growth. Each event is tailored to the client's needs and intent, and is planned along with the client to their specifications. Events are priced by the hour, including the planning and preparation time ahead of each ceremony. Ceremonial costs range from $100 and up. Orders will include location rentals and materials cost after the planning consultation has been completed. Once consultation is completed, the client is then billed for the service. Services must be paid for in full by the day of the event. Please contact Jamelle at, or by ordering here, to set up a free consultation. Examples of Ceremonial Services Available: Moon Ceremonies Grandmother Ceremonies Sacred Union Ceremonies Cord Cutting Ceremonies Weddings Baptism Honoring and Rights of Passage Ceremonies Earthing Ceremonies Elemental Ceremonies Past Life Regression Ceremonies Burning (Letting Go) Ceremonies

  • CCT™️ Chart Bundle

    Being connected with our intentions to the Crystalline Grid both eases the adaptation process and gives us an alternate energy source to feed our minds, body, and soul's life force. The connection wakes our soul as if through an electrical reemergence and awareness, working beyond the weakening EMF to tell all of the energies in the Universe exactly what we need to rebalance and adjust. By using sacred geometry to communicate our needs for balance and alignment, blockages are adjusted with more ease and in right timing.  CCT™ Healing for Businesses Business packages are available to connect your business as an entity to the Crystalline grid system and align business components to the New Earth Energies. Working through the Crystalline grid for your business can amplify success, ease planning and transitional phases, get all individuals on the same page, transform work mindset and energetic environments, or even transform systems of administration and organization with ease and grace. With a CCT™ treatment for your business, you have access to the guarantee that your business is aligned in its core purpose and functions as such. CCT™ Charting CCT™ Charting can be used both for the individual, having the same effects as the Energetic treatment, and also for elements beyond the individual. When we are seeking to change our circumstances, our view points, heal from a harmful mindset, or clear ourselves of unwanted patterns, the CCT™ Charting process is a perfect venue to bring about real transformation gently and effortlessly. Ideal healing options for chart work include but are not limited to: Transform a relationship at its core principles and in the best interest of both involved.  Uncover relationship phases. Transform patterns within a relationship Transform communication within a relationship Bringing yourself or a relationship into transitional mastery Synchronize timing for yourself or a relationship Release negative Karma Relieve conflict between two individuals, a group or between groups Discovery Chart to uncover reasons, causes, and next steps Heal Ancestral Groups Transforming patterns to Aquarian Groups Ease through big changes/transformations Clearing spaces of dead orgone energies, and more To find out more about the different types of CCT™ Treatments available, please visit the Crystalline Consciousness Technique Page of this website. To learn more about the CCT™ and its foundation, please visit:

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