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  • CCT™️ Chart Treatment

    Being connected with our intentions to the Crystalline Grid both eases the adaptation process and gives us an alternate energy source to feed our minds, body, and soul's life force. The connection wakes our soul as if through an electrical reemergence and awareness, working beyond the weakening EMF to tell all of the energies in the Universe exactly what we need to rebalance and adjust. By using sacred geometry to communicate our needs for balance and alignment, blockages are adjusted with more ease and in right timing.  CCT™ Healing for Businesses Business packages are available to connect your business as an entity to the Crystalline grid system and align business components to the New Earth Energies. Working through the Crystalline grid for your business can amplify success, ease planning and transitional phases, get all individuals on the same page, transform work mindset and energetic environments, or even transform systems of administration and organization with ease and grace. With a CCT™ treatment for your business, you have access to the guarantee that your business is aligned in its core purpose and functions as such. CCT™ Charting CCT™ Charting can be used both for the individual, having the same effects as the Energetic treatment, and also for elements beyond the individual. When we are seeking to change our circumstances, our view points, heal from a harmful mindset, or clear ourselves of unwanted patterns, the CCT™ Charting process is a perfect venue to bring about real transformation gently and effortlessly. Ideal healing options for chart work include but are not limited to: Transform a relationship at its core principles and in the best interest of both involved.  Uncover relationship phases. Transform patterns within a relationship Transform communication within a relationship Bringing yourself or a relationship into transitional mastery Synchronize timing for yourself or a relationship Release negative Karma Relieve conflict between two individuals, a group or between groups Discovery Chart to uncover reasons, causes, and next steps Heal Ancestral Groups Transforming patterns to Aquarian Groups Ease through big changes/transformations Clearing spaces of dead orgone energies, and more To find out more about the different types of CCT™ Treatments available, please visit the Crystalline Consciousness Technique Page of this website. To learn more about the CCT™ and its foundation, please visit:

  • Cord Cutting Treatment

    Close relationships, Spiritual histories, and strong emotional ties produce energetic cords between the two individuals involved, or in some cases, between an individual and a belief system. These cords, when left in place, keep in place a constant flow of energetic exchange. The energetic body can hold onto entanglements and create blockages if the physical body is resistant to releasing our past. Holding cords of the past can keep us lethargic, unclear, unable to decide, anxious, and leave us with a feeling that we cannot be ourselves fully. Although it is healthy to cut energetic cords when relationships are both healthy and unhealthy, when cords are kept in place with others who have harmed us, we can also feel and be impacted by the residual energy of that individual. For this reason, Cord Cutting Treatments are a healthy way to maintain the cleanliness of your energy body. Until our energy is reclaimed, we are not functioning at our prime because we are working with a partial charge. Cord Cutting treatments are gentle yet impactful as they provide a way for all four bodies to release the energetic pieces of a connection that is no longer in service of our higher good. Through this treatment, you may feel an energetic release and flow as one thing moves in, to replace what is being given back. Are you ready to cut those cords? This treatment can be done in person or online.

  • Reiki Healing Treatment

    Experience the healing power of Reiki with Bare Roots Energy’s Traditional Usui Reiki Treatment. Our 1-hour session is designed to relieve stress, heal the energetic and physical bodies, and release blockages. Our skilled practitioners focus on balancing and healing the Chakra system and Aura, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and balanced. Appointments are available both online and in person in Lawrence, Ks. Book your Reiki Healing Treatment today and start your journey towards a healthier, more balanced life. Replenish the body from head to toe with the calming and clarifying energies of Reiki. This treatment focuses on the balancing of the four energy bodies, providing you with a feeling of stress reduction and relaxation. Reiki treatments are a great option for physical healing, emotional healing, overcoming trauma, stress management, and diving into spiritual growth. Reiki healings are always personalized and can be conducted in person or over distances. During any Reiki session, clients have the option to sit in a chair or lie on the Reiki table to receive their treatment. Pillows for under the neck and knees are available, as are light blankets. One may feel sensations of heat, chills, goosebumps, energy movement, or skin pricks as the energy flows through and around the body. Everyone's Reiki experience is different, and many people report having a different experience each time they receive treatment. After receiving a Reiki treatment, stay hydrated, enjoy your clarity, and listen to your body to give it what it needs. Learn more about how Reiki can benefit you and your family in the FAQ section of the Blog.

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  • The Roots of the Priestesss | Bare Roots Energy Reiki & Meditation Services, Lawrence, Ks|Bare Roots Energy Reiki & Meditation Services, Lawrence, Ks

    Roots of the Priestess Classes Begin January 29th 2025 Find yearly or monthly tickets below and on the Events Page! The planet has long been calling its stewards for renewal, healing, and participation. A Priestess’ journey begins with a full heart of expression that requires an outlet so big that all of the heavens can hear your voice. It begins when we are small and see the wonder in the world. It begins and starts again when we experience the rocks, boulders, walls, and mountains in the road, and it begins each day when we wake up and choose love within so that we can radiate love without. As the world continuously awakens and grows, does your intuition pull at you? Is there a curiosity tugging at your energy that you want to follow but aren’t sure where it will lead? I welcome, sound the CALL of the Wild, the Call of the Balance, and the Call of the Planet, for you to join me on the most transformational journey of your life! The New Earth Priestess Studies follow a long lineage line of thousands of women who have traveled the Priestess Path to find and refine the jewels they had hidden inside of themselves. In return for our dedicated work with this process, we are also shown the jewels in the world around us and learn how to become the creator of the jewels we seek. Roots of the Priestess is a practice in self-care and awakening handed down from a lineage of women that serve to remind us of our Sacred belonging here on this Earth. A gateway into Priestess-hood through the Nicole Christine's New Earth Priestess Lineage Line, Roots of the Priestess tailors its beauty and health information to the female body, teaching self-healing practices to support and nurture the balance of your energetic body and your Divine Feminine and Masculine in the safe container of our close-knit circle. The New Earth Priestess Path is a deep journey into your own forest and a cleansing look at your own roots, with the intent to heal, repair, restore, refresh, and infuse your entire inner and outer landscape with the light and love of the creation process. The constant ungrounding we experience as we interact with the world is mitigated with daily practices for the body, mind, and soul. The trauma within that we have refused to look at and that we have refused to heal, finally finds space within the body to be released, freeing our heart, mind, and soul to express our truth and love. Through this process, the body is provided the sovereign freedom our hearts were meant to experience and deliver to the world each day. We were meant for greatness! We are chariots of a phenomenal power within us, and we are only now, after centuries of ignoring our truth as a human race, beginning to remember and wake up to the practices of our ancestors and the cycles this planet and our bodies have to offer us to heal and thrive. The Priestess Path is an empowering journey into the specific practices, new and old, that can transform your daily life systematically, and allow you to hand yourself a golden platter of aclhemical growth. While traveling on the Priestess Path together, we hone in on the self-management of our own frequency and our own destinies by stepping out and into the container of the New Earth Priestess, a space of deep healing, clarity, insight, and unconditional love. The Circle that holds you is the one you grow in the best. Roots of the Priestess is the container that will hold you throughout the year as you follow that spiritual curiosity into a stronger intuition that will nurture your own truth and awaken you to your possibilities of healing. Within this space, we have the freedom to explore all of our heart’s desires and refine our relationship with our creation centers. Each circle we open during class provides stepping stones and a safety net for your journey as we weave in and out of self-care and self-healing practices that have been lost to our modern world. When joining us on these alchemical trails, the transformation will begin to brew within you. I invite you to let it! I invite you to open up to receive the blessings and the miracles your heart and free will can produce when you have the support of a loving community and the knowledge of all of the female lineage lines that have come before us. When things come up for release, they can begin to muster up within us the tendency to flee, fight it, stuff it back down, and even deny its truth. The Priestess Path will hold you gently as you decide to release, and teach you how to hold yourself accountable as you find yourself refusing to run any longer. New Earth Priestess Studies Classes for the first year in Roots of the Priestess (1) run monthly to align with our New Moon ceremonies. Classes for the second year, The Rooted Priestess (2) run monthly to align with our New Moon ceremonies. Classes for the third year, New Earth Priestess run weekly and inlcude monthly Full Moon Cermonies. Classes for the fourth year, New Earth High Priestess run weekly and include monthly Full Moon Ceremonies. We are in the business of cleaning ourselves out so that the next seven generations can thrive. Some things we’ve all experienced on our Priestess Journeys so far... Finding our hiding selves Learning how to access our true creative powers Learning how to call upon and access right timing and right action Learning about the patterns and cycles that govern us all Learning about ancient deities and practices that can guide us still Feeling the significance of the balance we establish between our Sacred Dualities Learning how to access our higher knowledge and work through our divine inspiration Learning how to keep our vessels clean and clear for a stronger connection Learning the importance we play in this Earth's path of healing Learning how to manage our experiences through natural cycles and healing Feeling a deep integration of our new knowledge and awakened energies Journeys to the Akashics Each month we get a healing meditation A powerhouse of resources in our online classroom The opportunity to share our altar, inspirational music, and heritage with the group A safe space to share our stories and experiences with others who offer love, hope, and support Learning about the importance of ceremony Learning daily practices for the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies and so, so much more! What are you waiting for? What do you need to kick out of your life to thrive? Join Bare Roots Energy with a supportive and loving group of women as you uncover the truth of these questions for yourself and decide what direction you want your heart to guide you in. Join us in celebrating and carrying on the wisdom of the women who have come before us and the Sacred Hearts who created our lovely lineage line and fellowship, New Earth Priestess! Happy Healing, and see you in class! Jamelle at Bare Roots Energy SCHEDULE Classes for ROOTS OF THE PRIESTESS (1) will begin January 29th, 2025. We will meet on Zoom, at 6:30 pm. Our dates this year are: January 29 th , 2025, 6:30 PM CST February 26 th , 2025, 6:30 PM CST March 26 th , 2025, 6:30 PM CST April 28 th , 2025, 6:30 PM CST May 27 th , 2025, 6:30 PM CST June 25 th , 2025, 6:30 PM CST July 23 rd , 2025, 6:30 PM CST August 20 th , 2025, 6:30 PM CST September 22 nd , 2025, 6:30 PM CST October 21 st , 2025, 6:30 PM CST November 19 th , 2025, 6:30 PM CST December 17 th , 2025, 6:30 PM CST A simple and powerful group of journeyers who support each other year-round, share their experiences and curiosities, and build a healthy sisterhood of unconditional love, acceptance, and grace. Roots of the Priestess is a 12-month course that meets monthly in yearly cycles. Classes will be recorded and sent within 72 hours! To have access to the course content online, sign up for the whole year! If you are interested in learning more about this class, please email or call! 785-532-9356 The Roots of the Priestess 360 dnů 444,00 US$ nebo Monthly Payments Roots of the Priestess Podrobnosti Monthly Tickets st 29. 1. Roots of the Priestess Monthly Ciricle / Zoom Link Emailed to Students Více termínů Koupit vstupenky 29. 1. 2025 18:30 – 19:30 CST Zoom Link Emailed to Students Join us for the 2025 online class Roots of the Priestess A 12-month course that teaches how to cleanse inside and out and how to open up energy channels for wholeness and manifestation! Be a part of this amazing wellness circle that meets monthly to celebrate, learn, release, and meditate! st 26. 2. Roots of the Priestess Monthly Ciricle / Zoom Link Emailed to Students Více termínů Koupit vstupenky 26. 2. 2025 18:30 – 19:30 CST Zoom Link Emailed to Students Join us for the 2025 online class Roots of the Priestess A 12-month course that teaches how to cleanse inside and out and how to open up energy channels for wholeness and manifestation! Be a part of this amazing wellness circle that meets monthly to celebrate, learn, release, and meditate! st 26. 3. Roots of the Priestess Monthly Ciricle / Zoom Link Emailed to Students Více termínů Koupit vstupenky 26. 3. 2025 18:30 – 19:30 CDT Zoom Link Emailed to Students Join us for the 2025 online class Roots of the Priestess A 12-month course that teaches how to cleanse inside and out and how to open up energy channels for wholeness and manifestation! Be a part of this amazing wellness circle that meets monthly to celebrate, learn, release, and meditate! po 28. 4. Roots of the Priestess Monthly Ciricle / Zoom Link Emailed to Students Více termínů Koupit vstupenky 28. 4. 2025 18:30 – 19:30 CDT Zoom Link Emailed to Students Join us for the 2025 online class Roots of the Priestess A 12-month course that teaches how to cleanse inside and out and how to open up energy channels for wholeness and manifestation! Be a part of this amazing wellness circle that meets monthly to celebrate, learn, release, and meditate! út 27. 5. Roots of the Priestess Monthly Ciricle / Zoom Link Emailed to Students Více termínů Koupit vstupenky 27. 5. 2025 18:30 – 19:30 CDT Zoom Link Emailed to Students Join us for the 2025 online class Roots of the Priestess A 12-month course that teaches how to cleanse inside and out and how to open up energy channels for wholeness and manifestation! Be a part of this amazing wellness circle that meets monthly to celebrate, learn, release, and meditate! st 25. 6. Roots of the Priestess Monthly Ciricle / Zoom Link Emailed to Students Více termínů Koupit vstupenky 25. 6. 2025 18:30 – 19:30 CDT Zoom Link Emailed to Students Join us for the 2025 online class Roots of the Priestess A 12-month course that teaches how to cleanse inside and out and how to open up energy channels for wholeness and manifestation! Be a part of this amazing wellness circle that meets monthly to celebrate, learn, release, and meditate! st 23. 7. Roots of the Priestess Monthly Ciricle / Zoom Link Emailed to Students Více termínů Koupit vstupenky 23. 7. 2025 18:30 – 19:30 CDT Zoom Link Emailed to Students Join us for the 2025 online class Roots of the Priestess A 12-month course that teaches how to cleanse inside and out and how to open up energy channels for wholeness and manifestation! Be a part of this amazing wellness circle that meets monthly to celebrate, learn, release, and meditate! st 20. 8. Roots of the Priestess Monthly Ciricle / Zoom Link Emailed to Students Více termínů Koupit vstupenky 20. 8. 2025 18:30 – 19:30 CDT Zoom Link Emailed to Students Join us for the 2025 online class Roots of the Priestess A 12-month course that teaches how to cleanse inside and out and how to open up energy channels for wholeness and manifestation! Be a part of this amazing wellness circle that meets monthly to celebrate, learn, release, and meditate! po 22. 9. Roots of the Priestess Monthly Ciricle / Zoom Link Emailed to Students Více termínů Koupit vstupenky 22. 9. 2025 18:30 – 19:30 CDT Zoom Link Emailed to Students Join us for the 2025 online class Roots of the Priestess A 12-month course that teaches how to cleanse inside and out and how to open up energy channels for wholeness and manifestation! Be a part of this amazing wellness circle that meets monthly to celebrate, learn, release, and meditate! út 21. 10. Roots of the Priestess Monthly Ciricle / Zoom Link Emailed to Students Více termínů Koupit vstupenky 21. 10. 2025 18:30 – 19:30 CDT Zoom Link Emailed to Students Join us for the 2025 online class Roots of the Priestess A 12-month course that teaches how to cleanse inside and out and how to open up energy channels for wholeness and manifestation! Be a part of this amazing wellness circle that meets monthly to celebrate, learn, release, and meditate! st 19. 11. Roots of the Priestess Monthly Ciricle / Zoom Link Emailed to Students Více termínů Koupit vstupenky 19. 11. 2025 18:30 – 19:30 CST Zoom Link Emailed to Students Join us for the 2025 online class Roots of the Priestess A 12-month course that teaches how to cleanse inside and out and how to open up energy channels for wholeness and manifestation! Be a part of this amazing wellness circle that meets monthly to celebrate, learn, release, and meditate! st 17. 12. Roots of the Priestess Monthly Ciricle / Zoom Link Emailed to Students Více termínů Koupit vstupenky 17. 12. 2025 18:30 – 19:30 CST Zoom Link Emailed to Students Join us for the 2025 online class Roots of the Priestess A 12-month course that teaches how to cleanse inside and out and how to open up energy channels for wholeness and manifestation! Be a part of this amazing wellness circle that meets monthly to celebrate, learn, release, and meditate! Enter the Classroom

  • Bare Roots Energy Reiki & Meditation Services Lawrence, Ks

    Try it for $30 (mini sessions) Healing at the Roots Providing energetic free will for the relief from stress, anxiety, depression, ADD/HD, physical ailment, trauma, and more. Step into your daily energetic practices with Bare Roots Energy. Screenshot 2023-11-24 at 4.51.59 PM Begin your healing here. Book Now. General Zoom Access to Free Healing- Click Here This event is also streamed live on Facebook at Screenshot 2023-11-24 at 4.42.58 PM Power of 8 Healing Circle Link. Email for free Admittance. Screenshot 2024-09-05 at 4.15.29 PM Sacred Rhythms Classroom The Meditation Manual Cover Square Meditation Manual, available in a paperback workbook or as an online course. Join Our Mailing List Thanks for signing up! Up Coming Events čt 16. 1. Bi-Weekly Free Online Reiki Clinic / Zoom: Více termínů Koupit vstupenky 16. 1. 2025 20:30 – 21:00 CST Zoom: Join me on Zoom and FB Live every other Thursday night, 8:30 Central Standard Time, for a Free mini-healing. Fall gently into relaxation and healing from anywhere, all over the world. Donations are welcome! Purchase a ticket here, or donating on Venmo or PayPal. út 21. 1. Reiki Seminar / Lawrence Více termínů Koupit vstupenky 21. 1. 2025 17:30 – 23. 12. 2025 21:30 Lawrence, 930 Iowa St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA Reiki Seminar meets monthly to review Reiki techniques, share our Reiki experiences, and discuss the ways in which we can live more fluidly with our bodies, our energies, and our environment. út 21. 1. Power of 8 Healing Mefitation Group / Zoom: Více termínů Koupit vstupenky 21. 1. 2025 19:00 – 20:00 CST Zoom: Join us on Zoom on the 3rd Monday of every month for a group healing meditation. Sessions are focused on the groups intentions that are gathered throughout the month. Please contact jamelle at to sign up for group membership. Group membership not required for ticket purchase. po 27. 1. Children's Qigong Courses / Lawrence Více termínů Koupit vstupenky 27. 1. 2025 17:30 – 18:00 Lawrence, 930 Iowa St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA Channel and Calm the body's energy and sharpen the body's mind with fun Qigong Kids Movement Courses that help your little and big ones strengthen their locus of control. Qigong is a great option to reduce anxiety, depression, lethargy, and chronic pain. st 29. 1. Roots of the Priestess Monthly Ciricle / Zoom Link Emailed to Students Více termínů Koupit vstupenky 29. 1. 2025 18:30 – 19:30 CST Zoom Link Emailed to Students Join us for the 2025 online class Roots of the Priestess A 12-month course that teaches how to cleanse inside and out and how to open up energy channels for wholeness and manifestation! Be a part of this amazing wellness circle that meets monthly to celebrate, learn, release, and meditate! Načíst další calender Schedule Here Reiki Healing Treatment Usui Reiki Healing Informujte se o naší dostupnosti a zarezervujte si datum a čas, který vám bude vyhovovat. Calendar TESTIMONIALS Best thing I have ever done for myself! Love Janelle and highly recommend her. Best I have felt in years! Donna C., Kansas Read the interview here! Meeting and receiving services from Jamelle has been amazing! I recommend her to everyone I can. I have grown more in tune with myself with her help. Angela R., Kansas Jamelle really understood my spiritual path, and helped me to figure out where my blocks are at! She’s incredibly kind, intuitive, and knowledgeable and I’m thankful to have this service offered near me. I can’t wait for my next session and can’t recommend her highly enough! Kayla S., Kansas Current Coupons Festive Christmas Gift Voucher Coupon Bare Roots Energy Holiday Coupon 25% OFF BRE Teacher Promotion 1 copy Bare Roots Energy Gift Cards Festive Christmas Gift Voucher Coupon Bare Roots Energy Holiday Coupon 25% OFF 1/4 Blog V tomto jazyce nebyly zatím zveřejněny žádné příspěvky Až budou příspěvky zveřejněny, uvidíte je zde. Subscribe About Me V tomto jazyce nebyly zatím zveřejněny žádné příspěvky Až budou příspěvky zveřejněny, uvidíte je zde. Contact Bare Roots Energy Bare Roots Energy 930 Iowa St Suite 3, Lawrence, KS 66044 785-532-9356 Inside of Dr. Meyer's Chiropractic Clinic Follow us on Instagram #letsheal @thisismylifeinpictures

  • Roots of the Priestess Classroom | Bare Roots Energy Reiki & Meditation Services, Lawrence, Ks|Bare Roots Energy Reiki & Meditation Services, Lawrence, Ks

    Roots of the Priestess The Circle is Open Nothing Broken, Nothing to Fix All are Welcome Classroom A simple and powerful group of journeying women that support each other year-round, share their experiences and curiosities and build a healthy sisterhood of unconditional love, acceptance, and grace. Roots of the Priestess is a 12-month course that meets monthly in yearly cycles. If you have missed the January sign-up date, and would still like to join, please contact me at so that I can pro-rate your fee! Classes will be recorded and sent to students, so no worries if you miss now and again! To have access to the course content online, sign up for the whole year! Classes for 2025 will meet once a month, 6:30 pm Central on the following days: To be determined, and on dates near the New Moon Phases. If you are interested in learning more about this class, visit the Roots of the Priestess Page , or email or call! 785-532-9356 The Door is Always Open The Roots of the Priestess 360 dnů 444,00 US$ nebo Monthly Payments Roots of the Priestess Podrobnosti SacredRhythmsClassroom

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Programy (517)

  • Reiki Level III Course and Attunement

    Reiki Course and Attunement Level 3 provides you with the fourth symbol taught in most American Reiki practices and used traditionally to heal physical diseases and long-standing ailments. Attunement to the fourth symbol brings about a profound inner knowing and connection and deepens your relationship to the self as well as to the Reiki practice in your own life. Reiki Level 3 Level 3 provides further healing methods for the self and others, practices in intuitive healing methods, a deeper understanding of your body through meditation and creation work, a review of Levels 1 & 2, and a certificate of completion, and preparation for the student to move onto Level 4 and become a teacher of the Reiki arts. The Level 3 course is held over a 2-day period, with the first focused on the attunement and knowledge behind the practice, and the second day being focused on practice.

  • Reiki Seminar; Monthly Courses

    Reiki Seminar meets monthly to review Reiki techniques, share our Reiki experiences, and discuss the ways in which we can live more fluidly with our bodies, our energies, and our environment. We invite you to join us for our monthly meetings to stay attuned to the energies of Reiki. Seminar provides a way for us to... ...stay up to date on the latest Reiki research, ...hold ourselves accountable for our daily and self practices with Reiki healing, ...practice the art of healing amongst others who we may have trained with, and with others who bring new perspectives to the practice. ...take the time for a healing treatment for ourselves ...experience the significance of group healing ...and so much more Participating in a Reiki community on a regular basis is a key way to increase your use and benefit from the practice of Reiki. This group allows us to join together in a group of belonging and acceptance, creating a safe space for us to share and analyze our experiences and results and learn the most effective techniques for treatment. Because Reiki is so versatile and useful, it is both a treat and beneficial to learn how others apply the practice to improve outcomes and heal the layers of the body. Tickets are available on the events page at a monthly or yearly rate. Please provide verification of your Reiki Certification at least one time before participating. Textbooks for Reiki levels 1 and 2 are available for purchase in class and also on the shop page.

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