Roots of the Priestess
Classes Begin January 29th 2025
Find yearly or monthly tickets below and on the Events Page!
The planet has long been calling its stewards for renewal, healing, and participation.

A Priestess’ journey begins with
a full heart of expression that requires an outlet so big that all of the heavens can hear your voice. It begins when we are small and see the wonder in the world. It begins and starts again when we experience the rocks, boulders, walls, and mountains in the road, and it begins each day when we wake up and choose love within so that we can radiate love without.
As the world continuously awakens and grows, does your intuition pull at you? Is there a curiosity tugging at your energy that you want to follow but aren’t sure where it will lead?
I welcome, sound the CALL of the Wild, the Call of the Balance, and the Call of the Planet, for you to join me on the most transformational journey of your life!
The New Earth Priestess Studies follow a long lineage line of thousands of women who have traveled the Priestess Path to find and refine the jewels they had hidden inside of themselves. In return for our dedicated work with this process, we are also shown the jewels in the world around us and learn how to become the creator of the jewels we seek.
Roots of the Priestess is a practice in self-care and awakening handed down from a lineage of women that serve to remind us of our Sacred belonging here on this Earth. A gateway into Priestess-hood through the Nicole Christine's New Earth Priestess Lineage Line, Roots of the Priestess tailors its beauty and health information to the female body, teaching self-healing practices to support and nurture the balance of your energetic body and your Divine Feminine and Masculine in the safe container of our close-knit circle.
The New Earth Priestess Path is a deep journey into your own forest and a cleansing look at your own roots, with the intent to heal, repair, restore, refresh, and infuse your entire inner and outer landscape with the light and love of the creation process. The constant ungrounding we experience as we interact with the world is mitigated with daily practices for the body, mind, and soul. The trauma within that we have refused to look at and that we have refused to heal, finally finds space within the body to be released, freeing our heart, mind, and soul to express our truth and love.
Through this process, the body is provided the sovereign freedom our hearts were meant to experience and deliver to the world each day.
We were meant for greatness!
We are chariots of a phenomenal power within us, and we are only now, after centuries of ignoring our truth as a human race, beginning to remember and wake up to the practices of our ancestors and the cycles this planet and our bodies have to offer us to heal and thrive. The Priestess Path is an empowering journey into the specific practices, new and old, that can transform your daily life systematically, and allow you to hand yourself a golden platter of aclhemical growth.
While traveling on the Priestess Path together, we hone in on the self-management of our own frequency and our own destinies by stepping out and into the container of the New Earth Priestess, a space of deep healing, clarity, insight, and unconditional love.
The Circle that holds you is the one you grow in the best. Roots of the Priestess is the container that will hold you throughout the year as you follow that spiritual curiosity into a stronger intuition that will nurture your own truth and awaken you to your possibilities of healing.
Within this space, we have the freedom to explore all of our heart’s desires and refine our relationship with our creation centers. Each circle we open during class provides stepping stones and a safety net for your journey as we weave in and out of self-care and self-healing practices that have been lost to our modern world.
When joining us on these alchemical trails, the transformation will begin to brew within you. I invite you to let it! I invite you to open up to receive the blessings and the miracles your heart and free will can produce when you have the support of a loving community and the knowledge of all of the female lineage lines that have come before us. When things come up for release, they can begin to muster up within us the tendency to flee, fight it, stuff it back down, and even deny its truth. The Priestess Path will hold you gently as you decide to release, and teach you how to hold yourself accountable as you find yourself refusing to run any longer.
New Earth Priestess Studies
Classes for the first year in Roots of the Priestess (1) run monthly to align with our New Moon ceremonies.
Classes for the second year, The Rooted Priestess (2) run monthly to align with our New Moon ceremonies.
Classes for the third year, New Earth Priestess run weekly and inlcude monthly Full Moon Cermonies.
Classes for the fourth year, New Earth High Priestess run weekly and include monthly Full Moon Ceremonies.
We are in the business of cleaning ourselves out so that the next seven generations can thrive.
Some things we’ve all experienced on our Priestess Journeys so far...
Finding our hiding selves
Learning how to access our true creative powers
Learning how to call upon and access right timing and right action
Learning about the patterns and cycles that govern us all
Learning about ancient deities and practices that can guide us still
Feeling the significance of the balance we establish between our Sacred Dualities
Learning how to access our higher knowledge and work through our divine inspiration
Learning how to keep our vessels clean and clear for a stronger connection
Learning the importance we play in this Earth's path of healing
Learning how to manage our experiences through natural cycles and healing
Feeling a deep integration of our new knowledge and awakened energies
Journeys to the Akashics
Each month we get a healing meditation
A powerhouse of resources in our online classroom
The opportunity to share our altar, inspirational music, and heritage with the group
A safe space to share our stories and experiences with others who offer love, hope, and support
Learning about the importance of ceremony
Learning daily practices for the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies
and so, so much more!
What are you waiting for?
What do you need to kick out of your life to thrive? Join Bare Roots Energy with a supportive and loving group of women as you uncover the truth of these questions for yourself and decide what direction you want your heart to guide you in. Join us in celebrating and carrying on the wisdom of the women who have come before us and the Sacred Hearts who created our lovely lineage line and fellowship, New Earth Priestess!
Happy Healing, and see you in class!
Jamelle at Bare Roots Energy
Classes for ROOTS OF THE PRIESTESS (1) will begin January 29th, 2025. We will meet on Zoom, at 6:30 pm. Our dates this year are:
January 29th, 2025, 6:30 PM CST
February 26th, 2025, 6:30 PM CST
March 26th, 2025, 6:30 PM CST
April 28th, 2025, 6:30 PM CST
May 27th, 2025, 6:30 PM CST
June 25th, 2025, 6:30 PM CST
July 23rd, 2025, 6:30 PM CST
August 20th, 2025, 6:30 PM CST
September 22nd, 2025, 6:30 PM CST
October 21st, 2025, 6:30 PM CST
November 19th, 2025, 6:30 PM CST
December 17th, 2025, 6:30 PM CST

A simple and powerful group of journeyers who support each other year-round, share their experiences and
curiosities, and build a healthy sisterhood of unconditional love, acceptance, and grace.
Roots of the Priestess is a 12-month course that meets monthly in yearly cycles.
Classes will be recorded and sent within 72 hours!
To have access to the course content online, sign up for the whole year!
If you are interested in learning more about this class, please email or call!
