Bi-Weekly Free Online Reiki Clinic (1)
Do., 29. Juni
|FB Group: Bare Roots Energy Reiki Clinic
Join me on Facebook Live every other Thursday night at 8:30 Central Standard Time, for a 30-minute, Free mini-healing. Healings are specified to include your own intentions and to deliver the energy therapy of Reiki to you throughout the remainder of your current day and into your next

Zeit & Ort
29. Juni 2023, 20:30 – 21:00 GMT-5
FB Group: Bare Roots Energy Reiki Clinic
Über die Veranstaltung
Get the most out of your slumber! Reiki before bedtime is a great way to activate your body's self-healing mechanisms before you enter deep sleep.
Join us for a free online Reiki Session for great sleep, every other Thursday night on Facebook Live.
Sessions are held bi-weekly at 8:30 pm CST.
Reiki Clinic
Admission to Bare Roots Energy Bi-Weekly Reiki Clinic on Facebook Live: www.facebook.com/groups/barerootsenergyreikiclinic
10,00 $+ 0,25 $ ServicegebührVerkauf beendet
0,00 $