À propos
Welcome to your Roots of the Priestess Classroom, where we will meet each month for a new portal and new tools that help us stay clean and clear of the energies, habits, routines, and thoughts that keep you from your optimal self. Return here for your course handouts and resources. The Circle that holds you is the one you grow in the best. Join us for our monthly Roots of the Priestess Circle to nourish and refine that which you’ve been working to dig out. Each month we will gather and clean up what we're ready to leave behind and prepare ourselves for our next steps forward. Roots of the Priestess is the safe space that holds as you blossom into a deeper self-knowing and become familiar with the elemental supports and the cycle supports of the planet as we get to know her to our core and learn how to remain grounded. Roots of the Priestess is a Soul circle that studies the intertwined cycles of our planet, bodies, moods, habits, and lifestyles and explores how to integrate the balancing of those cycles into our lives. Throughout the year we study ancient deities, natural healing remedies, and energy-cleansing practices. This is a non-denominational group covering information from all cultures. At the beginning of the year, I offer a chance for participants to share their ancestral ties in order to include that research into the class throughout the year. Monthly meetings are themed for the movement through our archetypal pillars and provide a plethora of tools and practices that can help you engage in and build the flexible, steadfast structure your heart, mind, body, and soul need in order to flourish during this lifetime. Journey with us near each New Moon as we cradle ourselves in the Water Door of giving and take stock of our daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly trends and goals. Roots of the Priestess: $444 for the whole year Monthly Payment Plan available at check-out for $37 per month.
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